On Saturday, Colorado House Democrats voted against making indecent exposure to minors a class 6 felony, placing perpetrators above victims.
The purpose of the proposed legislation “HB23-1135: Penalty for Indecent Exposure in View of Minors” is to revise the current criminal code to clarify the circumstances under which indecent exposure to a minor constitutes a serious crime. The existing legislation states that two separate offenses must have been committed in order for the act to be constituted a crime.
One Democrat said that the bill was “targeting” the transgender community in her dissent.
“These types of laws have been used to ban drag shows, to target individuals who use the restroom of the sex that they identify with—a public restroom—to charge them with felony charges. I am very concerned about the attacks against the transgender community that are happening across the country,” said State Representative Leslie Herod.
“When I initially read this bill, it did not even come to mind for me, either, as an advocate—but as I’ve looked at the bills, and as I’ve talked to my colleagues who are fighting these types of bills across the country, it’s very clear to me that the language is very much mirrored in some of the laws that have been used to target members of our community because of who they are,” Herod added.
A Democrat attacked the bill for “targeting” the transgender community in her dissent. #copolitics #coleg
BILL: https://t.co/Lgle6vX25U
Listen for yourself: pic.twitter.com/Tq9wiryLMu
— Colorado House Republicans (@COHouseGOP) April 29, 2023
The bill eventually did pass with amendments during its final passage on Saturday.
“27 Dems couldn’t bring themselves to vote in favor of making it a felony to knowingly commit a sex act against a child! Indecent exposure requires an overt sexual act. This isn’t just a wardrobe malfunction. This attitude is why our schools/kids aren’t safe,” Rep. Gabe Evans wrote on Twitter.
27 Dems couldn’t bring themselves to vote in favor of making it a felony to knowingly commit a sex act against a child! Indecent exposure requires an overt sexual act. This isn’t just a wardrobe malfunction. This attitude is why our schools/kids aren’t safe! #copolitics #coleg pic.twitter.com/XsisjjLvhs
— Rep. Gabe Evans (@repgabeevans) April 29, 2023
Minority Leader Lynch penned an op-ed bashing the Democrats while praising this bill for protecting children.
“The discussion around HB23-1135 showed that Democrats see no bounds when weighing the rights or benefits of convicted criminals versus creating clearly defined pathways to justice for victims if that pathway to justice potentially results in prison; even when the victim in question is a sexually-exploited child,” said Lynch.
“Compassion and forgiveness certainly have their place in a well-functioning society, but my Republican colleagues and I firmly believe compassion and forgiveness should never come at the expense of the most vulnerable victims. Unfortunately, Democrats pushed a bill intended to provide justice for sexually-exploited children through committee without clearly defining unequivocal support for victims of this crime,” he added.
Democrats place perpetrators above victims with todays vote on HB23-135. When 27 Democrats voted against raising the penalties to indecent exposure to minors.
Read Minority Leader Lynch’s article op-ed on this legislation to protect children. #copolitics https://t.co/cmUpbPzdWW
— Colorado House Republicans (@COHouseGOP) April 30, 2023
The post 27 Colorado Democrats Vote Against Making Indecent Exposure to Minors a Class 6 Felony (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.