Skinny jeans can cause cellulite – and 3 other things you need to know about common condition

WHILE cellulite is very common, affecting around nine in ten women, many of us are embarrassed by it.

For those who are unaware, cellulite is a skin condition causes lumpy, dimpled flesh on the thighs, hips, bum and sometimes stomach.

Getty – ContributorWearing clothing that can reduce circulation in the legs can lead to an increased risk of cellulite[/caption]

And although it’s harmless, many people are desperate to get rid of their bumps – especially with summer round the corner.

The exact cause is still unknown, and most treatments only provide a temporary fix.

This leaves many people experimenting with unproved – and sometimes risky – lump-busting techniques.

Alexandra Mills-Haq, medical aesthetician and skincare expert at AM Aesthetics has broken down four myths about the condition, so women can stop resorting to dodgy measures.

MYTH 1: Wearing tight jeans cures cellulite

It may seem like a good idea to wear tight clothes in a bid to flatten out lumpy skin.

“But wearing tight jeans to improve the appearance of cellulite can actually make it worse,” Alexandra told the Sun.

Several studies have suggested cellulite is linked to water retention in the body,

And wearing clothing that can reduce circulation in the legs can lead to an increased risk of cellulite.

MYTH 2: Liposuction can fix cellulite

Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure used to remove unwanted body fat.

And although removing fat may seem like the obvious answer to removing cellulite, Alexandra says it can do the opposite.

“Liposuction does not improve cellulite but can in certain cases make their appearance worse,” she explained.

When fat is removed after lipo, the skin tightness, which was there due to the upward pressure of underlying fat, disappears and the excess skin is left appearing loose or even hanging, just like a deflated balloon that looks puckered.

MYTH 3: Men and women are equally as likely to develop cellulite

It is undeniable that cellulite is more common in women than men, and this of because of tissue fibres and hormones, Alexandra said.

In fact, just 10 per cent of men suffer from the condition, compared with 80-90 per cent of women.

“This is because women have less cross-hatching collagen fibres compared to men,” the skin guru explained.

Cross-hatching collagen fibres are the connective tissue we need to keep skin strong and firm.

When we have weaker connective tissue, that’s when cellulite, and in older age, wrinkles, emerge.

Cellulite is often linked to hormonal transitions, specifically estrogen.

Both high and low levels of estrogen causes a dip in collagen production, and therefore, increases the appearance of cellulite.

How to ACTUALLY get rid of cellulite

The NHS’s official advice on getting rid of the condition is: “If you’re overweight then losing weight is the best way of dealing with cellulite.”

Of course, cellulite is normal in those of all shapes and sizes.

But you’ll start to notice a difference with a healthy diet and exercise.

Exercise helps with fat loss and firms up underlying muscles, which helps to improve its appearance.

Alexandra also recommends laser therapy.

The therapy works by breaking up the tough bands of fat beneath the skin that cause us to see cellulite.

This treatment can also thicken your skin, which is important.

Thickening the skin can help reduce the appearance of cellulite.

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