A MUM has revealed how she managed to find a bargain summer holiday for her family for just £5pp per night.
With travel costs soaring this year due to several different factors, people are looking to make savings on their trips any way they can.
GettyJodie showed how she books accommodation separately to save money[/caption]
One way to do that is to shop around and see if you can book your own accommodation cheaper than it might be advertised elsewhere.
Although paying for everything up front can be convenient, it doesn’t always work out to be the most cost-effective way of booking a holiday.
One person who looked for their own deal was mother Jodie Broom, who shared her holiday find in the Facebook group Holiday more; pay less.
She told other group members how she was “obsessed” with searching for holiday deals and found a bargain for her family in France.
She wrote: “Example of booking separately.
“May bank holiday weekend, 4-8 May.
“Eurocamp four night stay £105, or £80 for a week.
“I’m not a travel agent, I’m obsessed with constantly looking for bargains.”
Jodie’s trip was for a family of five, splitting the costs to just £5.15pp per night, when staying for four nights.
Had she booked for the week, it could have been even cheaper, at just £2.28pp per night.
Other users were amazed at the deal Jodie had found, with one writing: “This is a bargain!”
Another said: “Amazing! Thank you for sharing.”
On top of her affordable accommodation, Jodie also found flights to Bergerac from Bristol for £45pp, or £35pp return for a week’s stay.
Flights and accommodation might not be the only thing that can bring the costs down when booked separately.
In fact, some people believe that booking each individual person’s flight individually can also reduce prices.
Wizz Air revealed that airlines charge more to seat groups together, so booking separately can be a cheaper option.
A spokesperson said: “When several people are travelling together, searching flights as a group booking is likely to become expensive as the airline’s algorithm will automatically seat the party together.
“Booking seats separately may be time consuming, but its probable that it will serve as the most cost-effective method.”
Meanwhile, a woman has revealed the common money-saving travel hacks that ‘don’t work’.
And another passenger has revealed how she always takes an extra bag on flights for free.
GettyShopping around online can help passengers reduce the price of their holidays[/caption] Read More