Horrifying video reveals moment doctor discovers colony of SPIDERS living in a woman’s ear

THIS video reveals the moment doctors discovered the horrifying a colony of spiders living in a woman’s ear.

The woman had come to the hospital in China with what at first seemed like a case of tinnitus.

Footage of a family of spiders hiding inside an ear Credit: asiawire

But medics at Huidong County People’s Hospital, in Sichuan Province soon realised that the strange sounds and pain were coming from the spider making its home in her ear.

This is the horrifying moment a doctor sends a camera probe down a woman’s ear to find a false eardrum woven by a spider raising a colony of offspring.

Video footage from an endoscope shows the doctor probing the patient’s right ear with special tweezers fitted with a camera.

The medic finds what looks like an eardrum but realises it is a silky web.

Then as he peels it away, the terrifying spider raising a family behind it rushes out and attacks the probe.

The physician of the Department of Otolaryngology, Han Xinglong, told local media: “The web made by this spider is very similar to the eardrum. When the ear endoscope first entered, nothing abnormal was found.

“But when you look closely, there seems to be something moving underneath. I pushed aside the spider web, it was about to flee, but it was finally taken out smoothly.”

Fortunately for the woman, the spider was not poisonous, and she suffered only minor damage to her ear canal.

The hospital cautioned individuals from removing foreign objects by themselves, urging them to seek professional help when available due to the risk of causing further injury.

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