Tucker Carson’s Weekend Speech Going Viral for Story of ‘Lone Brave Person in the Crowd’

In the final speech he gave as a Fox News host, Tucker Carlson saluted the bravery of those who take the road less traveled and the position less popular.

Carlson gave the keynote speech Friday night at an event in National Harbor, Maryland, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Heritage Foundation.

On Monday, he was fired from Fox News, with no public reason given.

In his speech, the longtime host of the cable ratings juggernaut “Tucker Carlson Tonight” spoke of people who “break under the strain, under the downward pressure of whatever this is that we’re going through.”

“And you look with disdain and sadness as you see people you know become quislings, you see them revealed as cowards, you see them going along with a new, new thing, which is clearly a poisonous thing, a silly thing, saying things you know they don’t believe because they want to keep their jobs,” he said.

Speaking of people who are dominated by the herd instinct, Carlson said, “I’m not mad at people; I’m just sad. I’m disappointed. How could you go along with this? You know it’s not true, but you’re saying it anyway. Really, you’re putting your pronouns in your email? You’re ridiculous. But no one else thinks it’s ridiculous. ‘Oh no, it’s the pronouns in the email.’”

He said, “So, for every 10 people who are putting he and him in their electronic J.P. Morgan email signatures, there’s one person who’s like, ‘No, I’m not doing that. Sorry. I don’t want to fight, but I’m not doing that. It’s a betrayal of what I think is true. It’s a betrayal of my conscience, of my faith, of my sense of myself, of my dignity as a human being, of my autonomy.

“‘I am not a slave. I am a free citizen, and I’m not doing that. And there’s nothing you can do to me to make me do it. I hope it won’t come to that, but if it does come to that, here I am. Here I am.’”

“There is no thread that I can find that connects all of the people who’ve popped up in my life to be that lone, brave person in the crowd who says, ‘No, thank you,’” Carlson said.

During his speech, Carlson attacked the abortion and transgender movements in a clip that has garnered millions of views on Twitter.

“If you have people who are saying, ‘I have an idea. Let’s castrate the next generation. Let’s sexually mutilate children.’ I’m sorry, that’s not a political debate,” Carlson said. “What? That’s nothing to do with politics.

“What’s the outcome we’re desiring here? An androgynous population? … Are we arguing for that? I don’t think anyone could, like, defend that as a positive outcome, but the weight of the government and a lot of corporate interests are behind that.”

He said the abortion debate can include compassion for those caught up in terrible circumstances. “But when the Treasury secretary stands up and says, ‘You know what you can do to help the economy? Get an abortion.’ Well, that’s like an Aztec principle, actually,” Carlson said.

“Well, what’s the point of child sacrifice?” he said. “Well, there’s no policy goal entwined with that. No, that’s a theological phenomenon.

“And that’s kind of the point I’m making. None of this makes sense in conventional political terms. When people, or crowds of people, or the largest crowd of people at all, which is the federal government, the largest human organization in human history, decide that the goal is to destroy things, destruction for its own sake, ‘Hey, let’s tear it down,’ what you’re watching is not a political movement. It’s evil.”

Good, Carlson said, “is characterized by order, calmness, tranquility, peace, whatever you want to call it, lack of conflict, cleanliness. Cleanliness is next to godliness. It’s true. It is.

“And evil is characterized by their opposites. Violence, hate, disorder, division, disorganization and filth.

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“So, if you are all in on the things that produce the latter basket of outcomes, what you’re really advocating for is evil. That’s just true. I’m not calling for religious war. Far from it. I’m merely calling for an acknowledgment of what we’re watching.”

Carlson said we should do two things.

First, he said, we must acknowledge that facts will not win the day. “They don’t want a debate. … I’ve tried,” he said. “Doesn’t work.”

Tucker Carlson During Speech At @Heritage Explains How To Understand What The People Wrecking Our Country Are Doing

“None of this makes sense in conventional political terms.”

“When people. . .decide that the goal is to destroy things, destruction for its own sake, ‘hey let’s… pic.twitter.com/qFZOZtjAvg

— The Columbia Bugle (@ColumbiaBugle) April 22, 2023

“And two, maybe we should all take just 10 minutes a day to say a prayer about it. I’m serious. Why not?” he said.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

The post Tucker Carson’s Weekend Speech Going Viral for Story of ‘Lone Brave Person in the Crowd’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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