Lawsuit Filed Against DOJ For Records on Appointees Installed in the Department to Advance Biden’s Radical Agenda

America First Legal (AFL) has filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Justice for records on “political appointees installed in the Department to advance the Biden Administration’s radical agenda.”

The lawsuit alleges that the DOJ has violated Freedom of Information Act laws by failing to provide nonexempt records related to their request.

“AFL sent a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the Department of Justice to obtain resumes and basic records on political appointees, including names, titles, positions, salaries, ethics pledges, and more, so that the American people can know exactly who is behind the scenes at the DOJ,” AFL said in a press release about the lawsuit.

The organization filed the lawsuit to compel the DOJ to immediately release the requested documents — as required by law.

“As the DOJ continues to become weaponized against the American people, it is more important than ever that the public know exactly who is planted throughout the Department to propel this anti-American agenda,” AFL’s press release continued.

According to the organization, “AFL, is a nonprofit organization working to promote the rule of law in the United States, prevent executive overreach, ensure due process and equal protection for all Americans, and encourage public knowledge and understanding of the law and individual rights guaranteed under the United States Constitution and the laws of the United States. AFL’s mission includes promoting government transparency and accountability by gathering official information, analyzing it, and disseminating it through reports, press releases, and/or other media, including social media platforms, all to educate the public.”

“As the Biden Administration continues to weaponize the Department of Justice against law-abiding citizens who disagree with his political agenda, it’s crucial that the American people have transparency when it comes to who is actually doing Biden’s dirty work. We will continue to do everything in our power to hold the Biden Administration accountable for violating the law and concealing these records,” said America First Legal Vice President and General Counsel Gene Hamilton in a statement.

The AFL runs The Woke Wagon, a searchable database that allows the American people to identify which political appointees are working in the Biden Administration and where.

“AFL began working on this project in 2021–when it submitted FOIA requests to every department and agency across the federal government to obtain information about the Administration’s political appointees,” the Woke Wagon website states. “A number of those departments and agencies have complied with AFL’s requests, but a large number have flouted their legal obligation to provide the requested information—leading to a litigation blitz AFL initiated to obtain the records from 11 departments and agencies.”

The post Lawsuit Filed Against DOJ For Records on Appointees Installed in the Department to Advance Biden’s Radical Agenda appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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