I’ve ruined my new relationship because I can’t get over cheating ex

DEAR DEIDRE: HOWEVER hard I try, I cannot get over my ex-partner.

Now I’ve ruined my new relationship because it felt like cheating on her, even though we’re not together.

I’m 34 and my ex is 33. We have a six-year-old son together.

I broke up with her because she cheated on me. But two years on I still miss her every day.

When I met a new woman, who was lovely and perfect for me, I thought I could finally move on.

But I have realised I cannot commit to anyone else while I’m still in love with my former partner.

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I loved her so much, and I haven’t stopped, even though I know we’re not meant to be.

It’s impossible to cut all contact, which would probably help, because of our son.

I know this isn’t healthy. What can I do to fall out of love and just co-parent?



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DEIDRE SAYS: Even when you know a relationship isn’t right, or you’ve been hurt, you can’t switch your feelings off like a light.

Sometimes, bad relationships can feel addictive. My support pack on Addictive Love explains more.

Talking to someone about your feelings would help you process them. Consider having relationship therapy – tavistockrelationships.org can help.

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