How you are doing the brace position on planes wrong and it could cause major damage, according to travel expert

A TRAVEL expert has revealed how you are doing the brace position all wrong on planes.

While you hopefully won’t ever have to use the emergency position, passengers should make sure they know how to do it.

AlamyYou are most likely doing the brace position wrong, according to a travel expert[/caption]

On an aircraft, the pilot or cabin crew will shout “Brace, brace” in the event of an emergency, instructing passengers to get into position.

Most travellers know to put their head down and cover it – but you might not even be doing that bit right.

Travel expert Rosie from Dealchecker explained: “In the brace position, cover your dominant hand with your other hand to protect it from falling debris.

“This will make it easier for you to get out of the cockpit and help yourself and others.”

Make sure not to lock your fingers either, as this can also cause damage to your finger if anything hits them.

Rosie also debunked theories that the brace position is to kill you faster in an accident.

She added: “The brace position is designed to protect the body from as much damage as possible.

“By limiting the surface area and ability for the body to get whiplash, you are actually safer in this position, especially from flying overhead luggage that may cause issues.”

A flight attendant recently shared some of their other safety tips with Sun Online Travel.

They said: “Passengers should always know how many rows away they are from their nearest exit and should count the number of seats between them and the door.

“This may sound a bit much, because the emergency doors are pretty big and obvious.

“But if the plane is filled with smoke, or the lights aren’t working after an emergency, that might not be the case.”

What you wear can help in an emergency situation too.

Pilot Dave Inch, a captain of a Boeing 787 said passengers should remove anything sharp from their pockets, as well as their glasses to protect them during an emergency.

You should leave the gym gear in your luggage too, and opt for cotton or natural fibres, in case of a fire.

Here is the safest seat on the plane, according to a study.

And this is why Brits are more likely to survive a plane crash.

AlamyDon’t lock your fingers and put your dominant hand underneath[/caption]  Read More 
