What do the white marks on your fingernails mean?

FROM time to time we have all noticed little white marks on our fingernails.

But what causes these mystery spots? Here’s the lowdown…

Getty – Contributor Most of us are left wondering what has caused the little white marks when they appear on our nails[/caption]

What does a white mark on your fingernail mean?

The old wives’ tale tells us that they are caused when we are suffering from a calcium deficiency.

However, this is a myth and the real reason for the small specks on the nail bed is often a lot less serious.

The tiny marks are medically known as punctate leukonychia and more often than not caused by trauma to the nail.

Trauma doesn’t have to be something as major as slamming your hand in a car door but can be as simple as excessive tapping or chewing.

What causes the white marks on fingernails?

The white marks form at the very bottom of the nail and move upwards as it begins to grow.

More often than not, by the time the white speck becomes visible, you will likely have forgotten what caused the mark in the first place.

There are times they might not be caused by trauma such as suffering an allergic reaction to nail varnish.

However, if the whole of the nail turns white, it can be more serious and it is advised you go and visit your doctor.

This is because completely white nails can be an indicator of serious conditions such as liver cirrhosis, kidney failure or heart disease, according to NHS Choices.

If the white marks fall in lines, it can also be a sign of low levels of protein in the blood.

How do I get rid of the white marks on fingernails?

There is no treatment for the white marks on the fingernails.

If they have been caused by trauma will naturally grow out over time.

However, if they are being caused by something other than trauma, a doctor will need to identify the cause in order to treat it separately.





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