MUST SEE: Unhinged AP Reporter Terry Spencer Comes at Journalist Brandon Straka Outside Mar-a-Lago – Tries to Swipe His Phone! (VIDEO)

Brandon Straka from the Walk Away Foundation was at Mar-a-Lago on Thursday night. This was the same night that Soros-backed Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg announced that he was going to indict President Trump. While there, Straka ran into a real headcase – attorney Victoria J. B. Doyle.

Attorney Doyle was outside Mar-a-Lago on Thursday evening with a crude sign, “F*** Around and Find Out!” Doyle tried at times to hide her face but was unsuccessful.

Attorney Victoria Doyle works as special counsel at Akerman according to her LinkedIn account. She is also a fan of Bill Gates.

Doyle was carrying a sign that said, “Fuck Around, Find Out”.

She told Brandan Straka that she was an attorney and President Trump “should be in prison” for “his many, many crimes”.

Doyle was flanked by an older man during her obscene display outside Trump’s home.

Now we know who was with her during her crude and obscene display – Terry Spencer from the Associated Press! A COMPLETE UNHINGED LEFTIST!

Spencer proudly announced he was an AP reporter. He then insulted Brandon Straka and attempted to swipe Brandon Straka’s phone.

BIG Mistake!

Brandon told Mr. Spencer from the AP that if he went after him again he would call the police!

The AP flake had no idea what to do!

Bravo, young Brandon Straka!

The Associated Press ASSAULTS Brandon Straka. AP reporter Terry Spencer @terryspen attempts to grab Brandon Straka’s phone out of his hand while filming during a public demonstration. The entitled, self-important media is OUT OF CONTROL! @AP

— Brandon Straka (@BrandonStraka) April 3, 2023

The post MUST SEE: Unhinged AP Reporter Terry Spencer Comes at Journalist Brandon Straka Outside Mar-a-Lago – Tries to Swipe His Phone! (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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