Wisconsin Cyber Security Expert Shocks Audience – Admits Wisconsin’s Voting Machines Can Be Hacked, Compares This to Act of War (VIDEO)

Guest post by Jefferson Davis
Pewaukee – The Gateway Pundit reported earlier this week that the Wisconsin Election Commission and Staff were participating in a minimally publicized “Trusted Election Forum” on the eve of the most historic Supreme Court Race in Wisconsin’s history.

SCANDAL IN WISCONSIN: Democrat SCOTUS Nominee Janet Protasiewicz Used the N-Word When Referring to Blacks in Court Cases

The Supreme Court Race will determine the control of the Court that currently consists of 3 constitutional conservatives, 3 radical liberal progressives and one swing vote that rules with the conservatives the majority of the time.
With constitutional conservative Justice Roggensack retiring, it is critical that this open seat be filled with another constitutional conservative in the form of Justice Dan Kelly (2016-20) who is running an excellent campaign under very trying circumstances as the Big Tech Billionaires and their friends are funneling millions of dollars into the race to further their efforts of the “great reset” for America by hopefully winning this key race.
Radical liberal progressive candidate, No Jailtime Janet Protasiewicz, continues her attack on shredding the constitution and judicial ethical standards by promising to legislate from the bench, if by a miracle she is elected to the Supreme Court in Wisconsin, that will automatically unwind many of the highly successful legislative reforms passed in Wisconsin since 2010.
The Wisconsin Election Commission and Staff rarely, if ever, make public appearances unless the event is highly controlled and scripted by limiting their exposure to the public.
The administration of Wisconsin elections has come under very heavy scrutiny since 2020 when the Presidential election was supposedly decided by 20,682 votes with a middle of the night voter dump.  The Gateway Pundit has disclosed many of those highly questionable aspects of that election.

Fun Fraud Fact: Wisconsin Added 29% of Their ENTIRE VOTING POPULATION to Voter Rolls in 10 Months Prior to 2020 Election — 957,977 New Names!

It came as a huge surprise then and the timing was highly questionable, when it was learned that the Wisconsin Election Commission and Staff would appear with a group of expert election panelists earlier this week at two “Trusted Election Forums” after assuring Wisconsin voters for over two years how safe and secure elections were administered, especially on the eve of the April 4th statewide election.
To the shock and amazement of attendees, near the end of the forum, a widely respected and highly credentialed cyber security election expert domiciled in Wisconsin, Dave Schroeder, finally disclosed, after many years of direct and indirect denials by Wisconsin election administrators, that Wisconsin voting machines can be hacked and that this could be considered an “act of war”.
Schroeder’s background involves Wisconsin Army National Guard Cyber Warfare and an Information Warfare Officer with the Navy for Cryptologic Warfare and Space Cadre.
Schroeder went on to compare these hacks as a threat to the national critical infrastructure of America similar to attacks on the power grid, ports and dams.
Schroeder concluded that America’s “constitutional federal republic” is under threat from foreign forces.
How refreshing that someone finally states the obvious regarding voting machines in Wisconsin.
Let’s hope the legislators in Wisconsin are listening and will immediately ask to meet with Dave Schroeder to learn how the machines can be hacked, to see if they have been hacked and what can be done to implement election integrity firewalls for all Wisconsin voters.
A 4-minute video of Schroeder’s admission that Wisconsin’s voting machines can be hacked is below.

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