Mike Pence Calls Indictment of President Trump an “Outrage”- Declines to Say Whether Trump Should Drop Out of Presidential Race if Convicted of BS Charges (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit reported that a Manhattan jury voted to indict President Donald Trump Thursday afternoon.

Trump is facing 34 counts related to business fraud as CNN first reported.
Before springing this nasty surprise, the jury announced on Wednesday that they were going on a month-long break.

Former Vice President Mike Pence sat down for an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer Thursday night. As one would expect, the first question from Blitzer was about the indictment of Trump.

Pence responded by calling the indictment an “outrage.”


Former Vice President Mike Pence says the indictment of Donald Trump is an “outrage” in an exclusive CNN interview https://t.co/W1IxB9RW5K pic.twitter.com/eF6bII3qio

— CNN (@CNN) March 31, 2023

I think the unprecedented indictment of a former president of the United States on a campaign finance issue is an outrage.

And it appears to millions of Americans to be nothing more than a political prosecution that is driven by a prosecutor who literally ran for office on a pledge to indict the former president.

Pence, however,refused to give a straight answer whether Trump should drop out of the presidential race if convicted on these garbage charges.

@Mike_Pence refuses to say if a conviction of Donald Trump should disqualify him from running in 2024

“It’s a long way to that decision, I promised to answer that question if that approaches” pic.twitter.com/odjVcoT9My

— Kelsie Taggart (@kelsientaggart) March 31, 2023

It’s a long way to that decision, I promised to answer that question if that approaches.

Wrong answer. It’s fair to wonder whether Pence is secretly rooting for a Trump conviction in hopes he will drop out.

He has no chance of winning the nomination otherwise.

As previously reported, Trump is accused of providing $130,000 in 2016 to his disgraced former lawyer Michael Cohen, who then allegedly passed the money on as hush money to Daniels.

Cohen was previously convicted of several crimes and sentenced to three years in prison in 2018. These charges include lying to Congress, as well as campaign-finance violations and tax evasion.

Federal prosecutors for the Southern District of New York decided against charging Trump related to the Stormy Daniels payment back in 2019, despite Cohen’s testimony. The Federal Election Commission also closed the investigation into the case in 2021.

However, Bragg, whose campaign was funded by billionaire far-left extremist donor George Soros, has opted to revive the case to bring charges against the former president.

The post Mike Pence Calls Indictment of President Trump an “Outrage”- Declines to Say Whether Trump Should Drop Out of Presidential Race if Convicted of BS Charges (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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