Ted Cruz warns Biden’s foreign policy agenda is ‘great for enemies of America’

After grilling Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over the border crisis on Capitol Hill Tuesday, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, took aim at President Biden’s foreign policy agenda that’s “been great for the enemies of America.”

“He’s trying to drive nations to leftists, which is what has happened in Brazil, what’s happened in Colombia. Joe Biden has been great for enemies of America,” Cruz said on “Mornings with Maria” Thursday.

“China is waging a thousand-year war against the United States: they want economic dominance, they want military dominance, they want global dominance,” he continued. “At the southern border, Chinese fentanyl is being sent to the cartels. We had 100,000 overdoses last year, the most in history. China’s systematically waging this war.”

Cruz’ comments come just two days after lashing out at Sec. Mayorkas in a Senate hearing over border crossings and migrant trafficking, in which the secretary claimed to not know about the color-coordinated wristband system cartels use to identify migrants.


“You don’t know what they are? Mr. Secretary, you have just testified to the American people you’re incompetent at your job,” Cruz exclaimed. “And if you had integrity, you would resign.”

Hearing Mayorkas’ testimony was “infuriating,” Cruz reflected Thursday while noting the Homeland Security head is “deliberately defying federal law.”

“He is causing this crisis at the southern border. He is doing so on political orders from Joe Biden and the Biden White House,” the senator said. “These are now multi-billion dollar global enterprises that, sadly, they are tracking human beings like they’re tracking cargo… and the fact that Mayorkas doesn’t even know that… What that tells me is this guy doesn’t give a damn about doing his job.”

Cruz added: “He hadn’t gone down to the border to see, he hadn’t stood on the banks of the Rio Grande, he hadn’t talked to his Border Patrol agents… Mayorkas and Biden and Harris, they do not care about the human suffering that their policies are producing.”

Biden’s policies at the southern border and on the world stage are “tragically” enabling the Chinese Communist Party to overtake the U.S. as a global superpower, Cruz further argued.

“The Biden White House and the Democrat Party is structurally pro-China because all of their major supporters are in bed with China,” he said.

The Texas senator cautioned against the president’s fiscal policy also enabling China’s economy, while further dragging America’s capabilities down.

“You look at the national economic scene, as long as the Biden administration keeps pursuing policies that are attacking American energy, that are trying to cut off debt and equity financing for new exploration, as long as they pursue a radical regulatory agenda that is hurting small businesses, we’re going to face tough times in the economy until we change the path we’re on,” Cruz said.


Dr. Kevin Roberts, president of the Heritage Foundation, recently explained in a Fox News op-ed how to win this “new Cold War” against China.

“Winning that war will require a whole-of-government, whole-of-society effort to protect our people and our economy from the malicious actions of the CCP,” Roberts wrote. “This is the greatest existential threat America must defeat in the 21st century. It’s past time to go on offense.”


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