“If You Had Integrity, You Would Resign” – Department of Homeland Security Head Mayorkas Appears Lost and Confused After Being Destroyed by Senators Cruz and Hawley (VIDEO)

Biden’s totally corrupt head of the Department of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, appeared to be on another planet today when asked questions by Senators Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley.

Biden Department of Homeland Security head Alejandro Mayorkas didn’t answer a single question when asked by US Senators Cruz and Hawley in a hearing today at the US Capitol.  Mayorkas who is actively destroying the country by allowing open borders and open access to the country, was asked several direct questions and his responses made it look like he was on another planet.

Mayorkas did not answer any question straightforwardly, he nonemotionally talked nonsense.  No country would allow someone like this to hold any position of authority – but this is the Biden regime.

Senator Cruz asked Mayorkas if there was a crisis at the border and Mayorkas would not answer.

Under questioning from Ted Cruz, Biden’s DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas refuses to say if there is a crisis on the border:

Cruz: “1 word. 1 syllable. 3 letters. That’s how someone answers a question & does their job. You’re being a politician misleading the American people.” pic.twitter.com/PsrZQ7C1Lo

— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) March 28, 2023

Cruz let Mayorkas have it, saying a man of integrity would resign rather than continue in the roll he does, saying, “Your refusal to do your job is revolting!”

Ted Cruz blasts Mayorkas: “If you had integrity, you would resign… You’re willing to let children be raped… This is a crisis. It’s a disgrace…”

Mayorkas: “What the Senator said was revolting. I’m not going to address it.”

Cruz: “Your refusal to do your job is revolting!” pic.twitter.com/4euM7lNLHV

— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) March 28, 2023

Senator Hawley from Missouri also couldn’t get a straight answer from Mayorkas.

WATCH: @HawleyMO grill Sec. Mayorkas on mobile app for illegal immigrants

HAWLEY: “Rather than building a wall…you have built Ticketmaster for illegal immigrants.” pic.twitter.com/OP0sOiiO0h

— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) March 28, 2023

Millions of people have entered the US during Joe Biden’s first two years.  We have no idea who they are and they illegally crossed our border to enter the country.  These people could be terrorists.  They could be criminals.  They could be infected with deadly viruses and disease.   We have no idea.

Mayorcas should have been impeached on day one when the GOP took over the House.  He is lawless and has no regard for the Constitution. 

The post “If You Had Integrity, You Would Resign” – Department of Homeland Security Head Mayorkas Appears Lost and Confused After Being Destroyed by Senators Cruz and Hawley (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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