EXCLUSIVE: BPro-Knowink Election Software Found Across the Country Is Connected to the Internet, Not Certified and It’s Able to Backdate Election Records (Hawaii)

This report was developed by election experts in New Mexico and Hawaii with special recognition to Attorney David Clements and his wife Erin. 

BPro-Knowink election software is being implemented across the country and yet it is connected to the Internet, it’s not certified, likely not audited, and now we know it can backdate records as well. 

On March 13th The Gateway Pundit revealed that the entire election system in New Mexico is vulnerable to manipulation by an uncertified, custom piece of software called SERVIS (TotalVote).

EXCLUSIVE: ELECTION SYSTEM DISCOVERED – Used in MULTIPLE States – Internet Connected, Uncertified, and Accessible to Numerous Govt Agencies and Outside Entities

In elections, clear identification of the various software creators, software types, and hardware manufacturers appear to be blurred by design, leaving a corporate labyrinth for independent auditors to navigate.   SERVIS is a custom version of the TotalVote software provided by BPro.  And BPro was recently purchased by KnowINK.  Between the two companies, their shared software can be found in 36 states across the country.

The SERVIS program in New Mexico handles election management, election night reporting, and voter registration.  The obvious problem with the growing BPro/KnowINK enterprise is that having one piece of software running all parts of both the registration and election system creates massive vulnerability at a nation-state level in the entire system from top to bottom.

And the kicker – none of Knowink-BPro’s software is Election Assistance Commission (EAC) certified that we can determine – meaning there is no oversight over this software whatsoever.

As this story develops, we are learning that New Mexico is just the tip of the iceberg.

By way of background, TotalVote describes itself as a “centralized voter registration and election management system that securely captures and manages voter, candidate, and all election information.  It is the only software system that encompasses the entire election process into one system.” TotalVote is internet-connected and in the case of at least one state – the software itself is hosted on the Amazon Azure Cloud.

The figure at the beginning of this article shows the proliferation of BPro and KnowINK products across the country. Some states are using BPro/KnowINK products for their entire registration and election system. Other companies have very similar software, such as Tenex.

It was in New Mexico that an extensive Audit of the Otero County 2020 General Election revealed impossible manipulation in both the voter rolls and election night reporting.  Both of which are handled by BPro. The auditors cited BPro as a potential source of the vulnerability allowing the manipulation to occur.

That was New Mexico. 

Election experts in Hawaii can prove that Hawaii’s voter registration database has backdated entries – meaning the official registration date is older than the unique identifier given to each voter – suggesting that entries are being fabricated in the database.

Experts can also prove these entries are created by an “extension” and they are all generated from a single computer.

Unlike other states, Hawaii assigns “Universally Unique Identifiers” (UUID) to each of its voters.  The UUID generator Hawaii was using is called “Version 1.” It generates UUIDs based on the time and the MAC address of the computer that generated it. Using this method guarantees that the voter ID will be unique, but it also allows an analyst to decode the UUID and determine when it was created and the address of the computer that created it.

Election experts working on Hawaii’s voter registration data decoded the UUIDs and compared the results with the official registration dates stored in the database. The team found that more than 75,000 registrations have an official registration date that is older than the date of the creation of the UUID – meaning these registrations were backdated when compared with the time the UUID was created. All the backdated entries were created using a MAC address that resolves to a single VMware instance.

Hawaii started using BPro in mid-2017 and the first of these backdated entries was created a few months later.

Similar voter roll manipulation can be proven in other states where multiple copies of the rolls are available. For example, North Carolina posts historical copies of the voter rolls online. Entries have been found with a registration date in the past, but those names cannot be found in older copies of the rolls which should have contained that record if the registration date was real. The same behavior has been noted in Florida and Missouri.

Tomorrow we will share shocking information related to these systems and the functionality that they enable. 

The post EXCLUSIVE: BPro-Knowink Election Software Found Across the Country Is Connected to the Internet, Not Certified and It’s Able to Backdate Election Records (Hawaii) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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