You’ve been sitting on your sofa all wrong – and it could prove fatal

WE’VE all done it.

You’ve gotten in from a long hard day, and just plonked yourself on the couch with no thought to posture or positioning.

GettyExperts have warned that the way you’re sitting on the sofa could prove problematic[/caption]

As you slouch and turn on the TV, you might not think twice about crossing your legs.

But researchers have now warned that this could actually be fatal.

One study, published in July 2020, found that sitting cross-legged could cause misalignment of the hips.

Writing in The Conversation, Professor and Director of the Clinical Anatomy Learning Centre at Lancaster University, Adam Taylor warned that this could start a dangerous trajectory in the body.

He said that sitting crossed legged changes the speed at which blood moves through the blood vessels into the lower limbs.

This can in turn, increase your risk of blood clots, he said.

Blood clots can be life threatening if not treated quickly, the NHS states.

They happen when an artery breaks free and travels through the circulatory system.

Blockages can then affect the heart, lungs, and other organs, potentially shutting them down.

Another study also previously found that sitting and binge watching TV for hours on end can also increase your risk of blood clots by a third.

Dr Setor Kunutsor, of the University of Bristol, explained: “When you sit in a cramped position for long periods, blood pools in your extremities rather than circulating — and this can cause blood clots.

“If you are going to binge on TV, you need to take breaks — stand and stretch every 30 minutes or use a stationary bike.

“And avoid combining TV with unhealthy snacking. If you sit a lot in your daily life — like sitting for hours at a computer — be sure to get up and move around from time to time.”

He added: “Prolonged TV viewing involves immobilisation which is a risk factor for clots.”

Are you at risk of a blood clot?

Blood clots are rare in young, healthy people, the NHS states.

But there are some factors that could leave you vulnerable.

Guidance states that this includes:

are staying in or recently left hospital – especially if you cannot move around much (like after an operation)
are overweight
are using combined hormonal contraception such as the combined pill, contraceptive patch or vaginal ring
have had a blood clot before
are pregnant or have just had a baby
have an inflammatory condition such as Crohn’s disease or rheumatoid arthritis

Prof Taylor added that most research suggests that crossing at the knees is worse than the ankles.

“Indeed, sitting this way can cause an increase in your blood pressure due to the pooling of blood in the veins and your heart having to work against this. And this can increase the risk of damage to your blood vessels.” he said.

High blood pressure is known as a silent killer, that’s because many people who have the condition don’t know they have it, as it doesn’t present many symptoms.

It can lead to serious issues like heart attack, heart failure and strokes if it goes left unnoticed for too long.

“The longer and more often you sit cross-legged, the more likely it is that you’ll have long-term changes in the muscle lengths and bone arrangements in your pelvis.

“And due to the way your skeleton is linked together, leg crossing can also cause misalignment of the spine and shoulders,” Prof Taylor added.

He added that there is also evidence that suggests sitting with your legs crossed could affect sperm production.

“This is because the temperature of the testicles needs to be between 2C and 6C below standard body temperature.

“Being seated increases the temperature of the testicles by 2C and crossing your legs can increase the temperature of the testes by as much as 3.5C. And studies suggest that an increase in scrotum or testicle temperature can reduce both sperm count and quality,” he added.

But it’s not all bad news, and Prof Taylor said that sitting legs crossed can be beneficial for some people.

He highlighted a paper published in 2016 which found that if you have one leg longer than the other, then sitting this way can help improve pelvic allignement.

The expert said that sitting this way can also reduce the activity of some of your muscles, which can help relax your core and prevent overexertion.

He added that if you can, you should avoid sitting cross-legged.

But added that the majority of risk factors associated with crossing your legs is likely exacerbated by other underlying issues such as sedentary lifestyles and obesity.

“So with this in mind, the main advice is to not sit still in the same position for too long and to keep regularly active,” he said.

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