David Becker, the democrat operative who founded the ERIC system used in over 30 states with 35m voter records, will not seek re-nomination according to a recent tweet.
DAVID BECKER IS OUT at the ERIC system!!!!! YUGE!!!
Maybe now he’ll unblock me!!
(I’ve never ONCE interacted with him btw…didn’t even know he was on Twitter until I couldn’t find a post he made during the WI Gableman investigation)
— CannCon (@CannConActual) March 15, 2023
The Gateway Pundit has been covering the controversy surrounding the organization tasked with updating the voter rolls in numerous states since its creation by Becker and funded by George Soros’ Open Society Foundation in 2012.
** ERIC Part 1: Who’s “Cleaning” Our Voter Rolls? ERIC Now in 31 States
** ERIC Part 2: Largest U.S. Counties Removed ZERO to TWO Ineligible Voters
** ERIC Part 3: The Founding of the Nation’s Largest Voter Roll Clean-up Operation
** ERIC Part 4: A Response to the Panicked Media Attacks
BREAKING: David Becker the founder of Soros-Funded ERIC has resigned from the voter roll management organization. As it stands, numerous states are leaving ERIC with many more to come
This is great news for election integrity https://t.co/H2vCeOKtpo
— George (@BehizyTweets) March 15, 2023
Becker, who also heads the Election Officials Legal Defense Network and the Center for Election and Innovation Research, has been on the board of the ERIC system since its inception. Recently, Florida, Missouri and West Virginia have all cancelled their contract with ERIC.
The CEIR notoriously received over $69.5 million in “Zuckerbucks” for the 2020 election. Those funds were distributed disproportionately to the “swing states” of the 2020 election: PA ($13.2M), MI ($11.9M), AZ ($4.8M), and GA ($5.6M) received over half of the $64.3 million distributed. The remaining 19 states split the remainder, which averaged to just $1.57M per state.
Becker has claimed that, in the last year, “efforts by election deniers to attack the ERIC have ramped up, and lies have been spread about me and the work of the [CEIR].” He goes on to claim that ERIC is the “best tool to keep voter lists accurate, and combat voter fraud.”
Despite his claims of “accuracy” on the voter lists, The Gateway Pundit reported that Sarah Whitt of the Statewide Voter Registration System uncovered that Wisconsin had over 7 million voters in their database, but only 3.68 million were eligible to vote.
Becker also claimed that “supporting election officials of both parties will continue to be the core work of the [CEIR] and our [EOLDN].”
The EOLDN was started to help connect election officials to pro-bono legal representation if they are to face election crime charges for “just doing their job”. From the EOLDN website:
Across the United States, election officials are enduring harassment, intimidation, and, in some states, exposure to criminal penalties, for simply doing their jobs. EOLDN stands by, ready to connect election officials in need of licensed, qualified, pro bono attorneys who can provide advice or assistance or a communications professional.
Under the FAQ section of their website, they state:
To be eligible, election officials either must be (or have been) a recognized governmental election authority or acting under the supervision of a recognized governmental election authority. Anyone acting under the supervision of a political party (e.g., a partisan poll watcher) is not eligible.
Former Mesa Co. Clerk Tina Peters applied today for help with her legal fees for “simply doing [her] job” and creating a auditable back up of her system before an update was performed. We will update our article when Peters receives a response from the EOLDN.
The post David Becker of Corrupt Soros Funded ERIC is OUT! Will Not Seek Re-Nomination to Board appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.