From stomach ulcers to liver damage – the truth about over-the-counter drugs and the side effects you must know

WHEN was the last time you popped to the chemist or a supermarket for some medication to ease a blocked, snotty nose?

It’s likely to have been fairly recently if the stats are anything to go by.

We look at the typical over-the- counter medicines and how to use each of them safely

Flu season hit earlier than usual this winter, sending cases rocketing, while Covid rates jumped 17 per cent during one week in February.

Pharmaceutical giant GSK says sales of its ­respiratory treatments were up 30 per cent year on year in the third quarter of 2022, while research company Kantar reported purchases of cold and flu medication shot up by 28 per cent compared with 2021.

However, decongestants such as the much-liked Sudafed could soon become prescription-only.

A review from the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency found medication containing pseudoephedrine — the stuff that ­battles a stuffy nose — could trigger two deadly brain disorders: Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome and reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome.

And it’s not just Sudafed that could be taken off shelves.

Day & Night Nurse, Nurofen’s Cold and Flu and Benylin could also be affected, as well as own-brand decongestants that contain ­pseudoephedrine.

But Dr Dick Middleton, pharmacist and director of the British Herbal  Medicines Association, says there’s no need to panic.

He explains: “Since medicines with pseudoephedrine were licensed decades ago, there have been only two reports of PRES and RCVS that may be associated with taking it.

“These are very rare, reversible conditions, and most patients fully recover with appropriate treatment.”

For both disorders, symptoms include severe headaches, nausea, vomiting, seizures, confusion and visual disturbances.

Dr Middleton adds: “The pseudoephedrine leaflet states that if these symptoms occur, you should stop taking it and contact your doctor immediately.”

Here, Dr Middleton and GP Gill Jenkins look at the typical over-the- counter medicines and how to use each of them safely.


MORE than 150 people die each year from paracetamol overdose in the UK, so it’s wise to know how much is safe to take.

Dr Gill Jenkins, GP and adviser to consumer healthcare association PAGB, says: “Paracetamol is an analgesic (painkiller) and medicine that can help to relieve cold and flu symptoms.

AlamyAdults can take two 500mg tablets of paracetamol four times in 24 hours[/caption]

“It is available to take in a number of ways – as tablets, capsules, syrups (for children), ­powder and suppositories.

“The usual dose of paracetamol for adults is either 500mg or 1g. Adults can take two 500mg tablets four times in 24 hours.

“You must wait at least four hours between doses and cannot take more than eight tablets in 24 hours.”

If you weigh less than 8st, check the ­maximum dose you can take by talking to your pharmacist or GP.

Dr Jenkins says: “If taken correctly, paracetamol very rarely causes any side effects. Users should always follow the instructions on the pack and not take more than what is noted.”

Dr Middleton adds: “It is essential the maximum daily dosage is not exceeded, as it can cause liver damage at higher dosages.”


DR JENKINS says: “Decongestants are ­suitable for adults and children aged 12 years and over.

“They can help clear the symptoms of cold and flu, and allergy symptoms such as blocked sinuses and a stuffy nose.

AlamyDecongestants can help clear the symptoms of cold and flu, and allergy symptoms such as blocked sinuses[/caption]

“Users of decongestants should always read the label and only take for a short course as directed on the pack.

“People with high blood pressure, heart ­disease, diabetes or those with kidney and liver issues should not take decongestants.”

Of pseudoephedrine, Dr Middleton adds: “Pseudoephedrine normally comes as a tablet containing 60mg. The recommended maximum daily dose is 240mg and it’s normally taken three to four times daily.”

Want to try a natural alternative?

Dr Middleton recommends the herb echinacea.

He says: “People who wish to use echinacea purpurea to relieve symptoms of respiratory tract infections such as a cough, sore throat or runny nose should look for herbal medicinal products that have been assessed by the MHRA and display a Traditional Herbal Registration (THR) logo on their pack.”

Try A.Vogel Echinaforce Drops (£11.99, 50ml).


THESE drugs are part of a family of medicines called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

Dr Jenkins says: “Medicines containing ibuprofen are effective in treating a number of self-treatable conditions such as headaches, toothaches, period pains, muscular and back pain as well as symptoms of cold and flu.

AlamyIbuprofen should not be taken in conjunction with other NSAIDs such as aspirin unless advised by a professional[/caption]

“The lowest effective dose of ibuprofen should be used for the shortest duration ­necessary to relieve symptoms.”

If pain and fever symptoms persist or worsen, speak to your GP as there may be an underlying infection.

Dr Jenkins adds: “Seek advice if you have: Any vision issues, a new, severe headache that started very suddenly and reached its peak intensity within five minutes, or any symptoms that suggest meningitis (a very stiff neck, fever, nausea, vomiting and confusion).”

Ibuprofen should not be taken in conjunction with other NSAIDs such as aspirin unless under the supervision of a doctor.

Nor should Ibuprofen be taken on an empty stomach.

That’s because there is a slight risk of ­developing stomach ulcers if taken at a high dosage for a prolonged period.


MEDICATION such as Gaviscon helps stop acid from escaping your stomach and entering your food pipe, which can then cause pain.

Dr Jenkins says: “Indigestion remedies are designed to provide relief from a number of symptoms, including heartburn, bloating, gas and bringing up stomach acid.”

AlamyGaviscon double action tablets are some of many indigestion remedies available on the market[/caption]

The NHS says it’s very rare to develop a ­serious allergic reaction to Gaviscon – so rare in fact that it happens to fewer than one in 10,000 people.

Dr Middleton says: “There are many indigestion remedies available on the market.

“The type of remedy used will depend on the causes of the indigestion.

“Your ­pharmacist can advise.

“For example, obesity and overindulgence can result in acid reflux which often occurs more at night.

“Silicol Gel, a licensed medical device, can be very effective in relieving these symptoms.”

Remember, always follow the advice on the product leaflet.

Aspirin/Pill popper

A POPULAR pain relief treatment, aspirin can also help treat cold and flu symptoms.

Dr Jenkins says: “It is available as a tablet and suppository, and as a gel for mouth ulcers and cold sores.

Getty – ContributorAspirin tablets are normally taken three or four times a day with a maximum daily dosage of 3,600mg[/caption]

“Aspirin should be taken with food so you’ll be less likely to get an upset stomach.

“It is not suitable for children under the age of 16 unless prescribed by a doctor.”

Dr Middleton adds: “Aspirin is available in 75mg and 300mg tablets or capsules and in soluble form that can be dissolved in water.

“The minimum dose should be used. Tablets are normally taken three or four times a day with a maximum daily dosage of 3,600mg.”

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