Adam Levine and Behati Prinsloo are returning to the spotlight six months after the Maroon 5 frontman’s cheating scandal. The couple, who are now parents to three kids, made a loved-up appearance at the Vanity Fair Oscars party on March 12. With matching blond hair (Levine recently debuted a platinum buzz cut) the pair embraced and shared kisses for the cameras on the red carpet. The model stunned in a form-fitting sequin gown, while the singer coordinated in a suit with a casual V-neck tee underneath.
Less than two months ago, People confirmed the couple welcomed their third child together, though no other details were released at the time. The baby’s birth came four months after cheating allegations against Levine came to light in September 2022, in which multiple women accused the Maroon 5 musician of engaging in affairs while already married to Prinsloo.
Levine addressed the accusations shortly after, admitting “poor judgment” and “flirtatious manner,” but he denied any rumors of an affair. “In certain instances it became inappropriate; I have addressed that and taken proactive steps to remedy this with my family,” he said. “My wife and my family is all I care about in this world. To be this naive and stupid enough to risk the only thing that truly matters to me was the greatest mistake I could ever make.”
Though the couple has been spotted out in public and shared on Instagram since then, they’ve mostly skipped public appearances and press until the Oscars afterparty. Prinsloo and Levine have been together for over a decade. They were first linked in June 2012 and later wed in July 2014. In addition to their newborn, they also share daughters Dusty Rose, 6, and Gio Grace, 5.
Take a closer look at their red carpet return below.