Doctors shocked to discover Covid gave boy deadly brain condition

DOCTORS were shocked to discover Covid left a teenage boy with a killer brain condition.

The 14-year-old Iranian ended up in hospital in June 2020 after getting badly hurt in a motorcycle accident.

GettyThe teenage boy experienced a stroke after catching Covid[/caption]

The teen was suffering from a broken neck and several deep wounds.

Doctors performed a barrage of tests to assess his health when a brain scan revealed he had suffered a severe stroke – known as a basal ganglia hemorrhage.

This happen when a blood vessel inside the skull bursts and bleeds into and around the brain.

It’s a very serious condition which kills between 40 and 50 per cent of all those who develop it.

According to the report, the teen was quickly referred to the neurology department when doctors discovered he had Covid – which they believe had caused the stroke.

They said a basal ganglia hemorrhage is rarely the result of trauma to the head, but rather high blood pressure.

Previous studies found the bug can increase people’s risk of a hemorrhagic stroke.

Around 2 per cent of all people hospitalised with Covid suffer experience some sort of related neurological issues, such as headaches, loss of taste or smell or fatigue.

Writing in the Journal of Medical Case Reports, medics said it was likely the bug caused his immune system to go into overdrive, which they referred to as a “cytokine storm”.

This extreme immune reaction could have resulted in inflammation in the brain which led to the stroke.

Since, the boy has been discharged from hospital and is recovering at home.

Now, doctors are calling for “more investigation and research regarding the association between Covid-19 and strokes”.

A recent study found those who catch Covid while jabbed are less likely to experience strokes in the months after infection.

However, there is some evidence the jab might increase the risk of heart issues in some people.

There have been some reports of myocarditis following the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines in the UK.

Severe myocarditis weakens the heart so that the rest of the body doesn’t get enough blood. 

The condition can cause clots to form in the heart which can lead to a stroke.

However, research suggests that overall, myocarditis is no more likely to be triggered by a Covid vaccine by than any other vaccine.

What are the symptoms?

The FAST method – which stands for Face, Arms, Speech, Time – is the easiest way to remember the most common symptoms of stroke:

F = Face drooping – if one side of a person’s face is dropped or numb then ask them to smile, if it’s uneven then you should seek help.

A = Arm weakness – if one arm is weak or numb then you should ask the person to raise both arms. If one arm drifts downwards then you might need to get help

S = Speech difficulty – if a person’s speech is slurred then this could be a sign of a stroke

T = Time to call 999 – if a person has the signs above then you need to call 999 in the UK or 911 in the US for emergency care.

Other symptoms include:

sudden weakness or numbness on one side of the bodydifficulty finding wordssudden blurred vision or loss of sightsudden confusion, dizziness or unsteadinessa sudden and severe headachedifficulty understanding what others are sayingdifficulty swallowing

If any of these symptoms occur for less than a few hours, you could be suffering from a transient ischaemic attack (TIA).

This attack, which is sometimes known as a “mini-stroke”, indicates that there is a problem with the blood supply to your brain.

It’s important to contact your GP or local hospital if experiencing these symptoms, as they could increase your risk of stroke in the near future.

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