From gummies to sprays, we test the new ways to get your vitamin kicks

WITH supermarkets struggling for supplies, it can be hard to get enough fruit and veg.

One of the downsides of going without is a vitamin and mineral deficiency.

Vitamins A, B, C and K are concentrated in fruit and veg but with a veg eating us away – here’s some other ways of getting your vitamins in

Vitamins A, B, C and K are concentrated in fruit and veg and together they promote eye and brain health and immunity.

One option while times are tough is to take a multivitamin.

Today Jane Atkinson looks at some of the best on the market.

Three in one

LOVE Your Health is a clever little kit from Healthspan.

It includes full-spectrum multi- vitamins to support your immune health and energy levels plus vegan omega 3 capsules and probiotic ones – all in one complete pack.

The clever little kit from Healthspan includes full-spectrum multi- vitamins to support your immune health

You get 100 per cent of your daily requirement of A, B, C, D3, E, folic acid, copper, iron, selenium and manganese.

Plus a decent dose of K1, calcium, chromium and 20 per cent of your magnesium.

The omega capsules contain fatty acids from a pure, environmentally-friendly source and the probiotic ones contains “friendly” bacteria from three carefully selected strains.

If you want to tick the boxes for health with a simple kit this is great.

And Healthspan prices are OK too.

£19.95 for a 28-day supply,

Multi-vitamin gummies

CONVENIENT, easy to take and tasty, gummies are unsurprisingly growing in popularity.

I love Novomins because, unlike some gummies, the sugar content – or glucose and glucose syrup – is not the main ­ingredient.

I love Novomins because, unlike some gummies, the sugar content isn’t the main ingredient

They pack in the vitamins first.

Their Adult Multivitamin Gummies are approved by the Vegan Society and contain 17 essential vitamins and minerals.

There is 100 per cent of your daily requirement of ­vitamins A, B6, folic acid, B12 and D-biotin and ­they contain no artificial colours or ­preservatives.

Plus, they come in a delightful peach flavour.

The makers are so sure about their effectiveness that they offer a 30-day money back guarantee if you are not ­satisfied.
£14.99 for 60 gummies, from

Oral spray

ORAL sprays are formulated to be absorbed directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system.

The tiny droplets absorb quickly in your mouth – ­a simple and scientifically proven method of supplementation.

The oral spray is perfect for ­people who don’t like ­tablets, or the sugar content in gummies

BetterYou MultiVit Oral spray contains 14 essential vitamins and minerals.

It has a lovely blackcurrant and plum flavour.

It contains 100 per cent of your daily requirement of vitamins B12, D3, B9, selenium, K1, B7 and iodine.

I like this because it is so convenient – bung it in the car and have a squirt when you need it.

Perfect for ­people who don’t like ­tablets, or the sugar content in gummies.

The 25ml bottle contains a 32-day supply and you need to have four sprays a day.  £9.99,

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