I’m a doctor and I’ve got ‘proof’ that you will see your loved ones again after death

NEAR death experiences can be extremely frightening.

But one doctor, who has studied them for over 50 years has said they can bring comfort to some people.

GettyOne expert said that he is convinced you will see your loved ones again when you go through the light at the end of the tunnel[/caption]

Dr Bruce Greyson has interviewed thousands of people who have had NDEs and said the proof he’s found has made him convinced that you will see your loved ones again once you die.

“Some people who have near death experiences talk about seeing their deceased loved ones.

“Now you can just say that’s wishful thinking, but sometimes they see deceased people who were not yet known to have died, and that’s kind of hard to explain away,” he told WMRA.

He added that when some people experience a NDE, they often feel like they are leaving their bodies.

“They may encounter other entities that they think are deceased loved ones or sometimes divine beings and effectually they may review their lives and then either decide to come back to life or are sent back against their will,” he added.

near death experience (NDE) is classified as a life-transforming experience that can occur under extreme conditions in which no sensory experiences should be possible, medics at the University of Virginia state.

These conditions could include trauma, ceasing of brain activity, deep general anaesthesia or cardiac arrest, they said.

These experiences can differ from one person to another and in many cases, the experts said patients having an NDE will feel very comfortable and free of pain.

You might also experience a sensation of leaving the body, with some being able to see their physical body while floating above it.

Dr Greyson isn’t the only professional who says that we will encounter our loved ones again when we die.

Hospice nurse Julie McFadden said this is one reason why you shouldn’t fear your demise.

She said that towards the end of your life, you’ll likely see dead relatives, dead pets, angels and spirits.

Through her experience as a hospice nurse she said many patients find this comforting.

Nurse Julie added that the more she is around death, the less she fears it.

“Our body is built to die, it has built in mechanisms so that it knows what to do when we are at the end of life.

“These kick in and help us die more peacefully,” she said.

These mechanisms include things like us wanting to eat and drink less, with us also wanting to sleep more, she added.

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