You’ve been peeing all wrong – the 5 common mistakes putting your health at risk

WE all go to the toilet for a pee several times a day.

Our urine habits are second nature to us, but experts say you could be making common mistakes that are putting your health at risk.

GettyPeeing is one of the simplest things we do each day, but experts say your habits could be putting your health at risk[/caption]

Urologist Joseph Brito, based in New Haven in the US, said he sees many patients who have urinary complaints, and most of the time, they are down to a common set of habits.

People normally need to pee when their bladder is two-thirds full, with the organ holding up to 600ml of liquid.

But some people might not always be able to access a toilet at the right time, meaning you might have to wait longer than you’d like to empty your bladder.

This can be anxiety inducing as you try and find the nearest loo so that you don’t have an ‘oops moment’.

1. Holding it in

Some people think that holding it in might help them train their bladder.

Yale Medicine urologist Leslie Rickie, who specialises in women’s pelvic floor problems said urine-holding may lead to a variety of issues.

“Ignoring an urge to urinate may lead to leakage. Or, it’s possible that chronic bladder ‘overstretching’ may lead to new bladder symptoms down the road as people age,” she said.

Delaying loo breaks for children can also be problematic as this can lead to urinary tract infections (UTIs), the experts at Yale Medicine said.

In order avoid issues down the line, you should visit the toilet when you need to go.

However, if you need to pee very frequently, around every hour, you should talk to an expert, they said.

2. Pushing

The experts said the second mistake you’re making is pushing to get your pee out.

They explained that your bladder works best when it’s relaxed so that the urine can flow out freely.

In men, having to push the bladder could be a sign of bladder obstruction which is linked to benign prostatic hyperplasia.

In turn, this can cause swelling in the prostate, causing a weak flow.

Brito said that pushing your pee out can also lead to haemorrhoids or a worsening of hernia symptoms.

If you feel as though you can’t help but push your pee out – then you should see an expert to check for underlying issues, they said.

3. Going too often

There’s always that one friend in the group that always needs the loo, or the one that says they will go ‘just in case’.

Pelvic health physiotherapist Esther Stubbs said you should only empty the bladder when it’s full.

Esther said: “By peeing frequently you are training your bladder to want to empty when it isn’t full.”

Other experts have warned that by going the loo too often, you’re actually making your bladder more sensitive.

Prof Stergios Doumouchtsis, a leading expert in urogynaecology based at Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust said ‘just in case’ pees mean the bladder learns to give you signals of fullness at lower volumes.

“The purpose of the bladder as a reservoir for urine can become compromised, and therefore the bladder will start needing the toilet and sending you signals of urgency too early, when the volumes of the bladder are lower, or more frequently.

“The bladder won’t necessarily become anatomically smaller. But functionally it is smaller.

“Therefore it can affect our activities because we become more engaged to the bladders’ calls.”

4. Not emptying fully

If you’re in a rush you might not be completely emptying your bladder.

Similar to when you hold your pee in, leaving some in the tank could be putting you at risk of nasty UTIs, Brito said.

“Often as men get older, they will not completely empty their bladder. The problem there is, if your bladder’s full and you empty it halfway and then drink fluids like you normally would, it fills up more quickly,” he added.

He said you should take your time in the bathroom to ensure the bladder is as empty as it can be.

If you don’t empty your bladder properly then you might also struggle with increased urinary frequency, urgency and nighttime urination, also known as nocturia.

5. Not drinking enough

The NHS states that we should be drinking six to eight cups of fluid each day, including water, low-fat milk and sugar free drinks.

The Yale experts said that a lot of urinary complaints are down to poor hydration and that not drinking enough fluids is another pee mistake people make.

As a general rule your pee should be pale straw in colour – that indicates you are well hydrated and healthy.

But if it’s a dark yellow, with a strong smell, it’s a clear indication you are dehydrated.

Different foods can also affect our urine colour as pigments can travel through the digestive tract and through to your urine.

If your urine is completely clear then you might be drinking a little too much water.

If you have a lot of vitamin B in your blood then your urine might appear bright yellow.

If you are worried about your symptoms you can see a pharmacist or GP.

In the event of an emergency, always call 999 or visit your nearest A&E department.

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