BLUMHOUSE Productions, which is best known for creating cult horror film franchises such as Halloween, Paranormal Activity, and The Purge, is launching a subsidiary to produce and publish video games.
The new unit, Blumhouse Games, will partner with indie game developers to bring original, horror games to consoles, PC and mobile devices.
BlumhouseZach Wood (left) and Don Sechler have been named president and CFO of the new game production company.[/caption]
The game studio will focus on smaller indie-budget games that would cost under $10million (£8.3million) to produce and market.
Blumhouse has named Zach Wood as president and Don Sechler as CFO of the new video games company.
“For some time we have been looking to build out a team to start accessing the growth opportunity in interactive media”, said Blumhouse President Abhijay Prakash.
“When we sat with Zach and Don they articulated an approach that resonated with Blumhouse’s model and we knew it was a perfect place for us to start our push into the interactive space.”, Prakash noted.
“There’s a unique opportunity for horror and genre in the indie game space, and I’m thrilled about teaming up with Blumhouse to meaningfully leverage the company’s brand, reputation, and creative talent,” said Zach Wood.
At the end of last year, Blumhouse and Atomic Monster announced that they were looking to merge.
That deal is anticipated to close sometime in the summer.
Wood has been a video game producer for more than 25 years and has shipped over 30 games on every major platform, and has previously worked as a producer at PlayStation’s Santa Monica Studio.
Before joining Blumhouse Games, Sechler worked for Sony, where he headed finance, operations, and strategy for PlayStation’s publisher and developer relations.
Blumhouse Games is yet to reveal its upcoming video game projects.
Written by Stoyan Ovcharov on behalf of GLHF.
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