More than half of Brits unaware that eating processed meat can lead to bowel cancer, survey says

SIXTY per cent of Brits are unaware eating processed meat can lead to bowel cancer.

A poll of 2,000 adults found 27 per cent were not worried at all about the potential impact processed meat could have on their health – specifically their risk of bowel cancer.

GettyMeet preservation ingredients such as nitrites and nitrates react with the body when consumed[/caption]

GettyThe reaction between those chemicals and the body can increase the risk of bowel cancer[/caption]

Processed meat is defined as any meat that has been preserved by smoking, curing, salting, or adding chemical preservatives, such as ham, bacon and sausages, as well as luncheon meats.

When eaten, certain chemicals which are added to meat to preserve it, such as nitrates and nitrites, react with the body.

It is this reaction, among other things, which contributes to the increase in risk of bowel cancer.

It also emerged four in five of those surveyed were meat-eaters, who eat an average of 40g of processed meat a day, with a quarter eating more than 50g per day.

The research was commissioned for World Cancer Research Fund’s Cancer Prevention Action Week, which runs from 20th-26th February and this year aims to highlight the link between processed meat and bowel cancer.

Analysis of global research carried out by the charity found those who regularly eat processed meat have a 16 per cent increased risk of developing bowel cancer for every 50g they eat, compared to those who don’t eat it.

It also indicates processed meat consumption is linked to 14.5 per cent of male and 10 per cent of female bowel cancer cases.

Despite this, 58 per cent of adults believed they eat about the right amount of processed meat, and only 24 per cent felt they had too much.

Dr Helen Croker, head of research interpretation at World Cancer Research Fund, said: “We know bowel cancer is the fourth most common cancer in the UK and that 54 per cent of bowel cancer cases could be prevented.

“Our analysis of global research also shows that those who regularly eat processed meat have an increased risk of bowel cancer.

“We want to raise awareness of this and highlight steps that people can take to help reduce this risk.

“The work we do centres around prevention – which is why we carried out this research to understand how many people are aware of the link between processed meat and bowel cancer, and how we can help people reduce this risk.

“This Cancer Prevention Action Week, we are encouraging people to take part in the Great British Sarnie Swap and to reduce how much processed meat they eat, helping to lower their risk of bowel cancer, by swapping the processed meat in their sandwiches for heathier and affordable alternatives.”

The research also found just 53 per cent have only a rough idea of what goes into making processed meat, with 25 per cent admitting they had no idea.

Just 50 per cent and 43 per cent were aware a sausage sandwich and ham sandwich respectively contain processed meat.

The poll, carried out by OnePoll, found bacon was the most commonly consumed processed meat (66 per cent) by meat-eaters, followed by sausage (65 per cent) and ham (63 per cent).

Bacon (15 per cent) is also the nation’s favourite sandwich filling, along with cheese (14 per cent) and egg mayo (13 per cent).

It also revealed the main reasons people liked processed meat were for the taste (55 per cent), cost (44 per cent) and convenience (41 per cent).

However, there is a willingness among 48 per cent of meat-eaters to reduce the amount of processed meat they eat, with 67 per cent of adults willing to reduce their consumption in favour of healthier alternatives.

To help with this, the charity is encouraging people to take part in its Great British Sarnie Swap and has a fact sheet and quiz to help cut out the confusion around processed meat.

Matt Lambert, health information and promotion manager at World Cancer Research Fund said: “It’s great to see that many people want to swap out processed meat for alternatives.

“We want to help people make changes to their diet by giving them some healthier swap ideas.

“Consider ingredients such as chopped, boiled eggs, tinned fish, or hummus with roasted vegetables.

“You could also use up any leftover roast chicken for a next-day sandwich.

“We know that in the current economic climate, cost is a big factor when choosing food, which is why our website has a number of affordable and healthy sandwich filling ideas.”

GettyThe research reveals 27% of Brits are not concerned about the potentially harmful impact of processed meat[/caption]


Check the ingredients list for words like nitrate, nitrite, cured or salted. If you see these words, it’s processed meat. 

Reduce your portion sizes of processed meat – for example, if eating ham, have one slice rather than two. 

If you tend to eat processed meat most days, why not challenge yourself to have more days meat-free? 

Include more plant-based protein sources like beans, lentils, and chickpeas, soya-based food like tofu and tempeh, plain nuts and seeds, and grains like quinoa. 

Swap processed meat for chicken and turkey or fish (white or oily). This will also help you to eat less saturated fat. 

Choose more vegetables, pulses and wholegrains and make these the focus of your meals. Adding herbs, spices or a squeeze of lemon boosts the flavour. 

Use smoked paprika to lift the flavour of dishes. 

Instead of ham or other processed meat in sandwiches, wraps and salads, choose canned fish like tuna, boiled eggs, hummus, peanut butter (no added salt or sugar), avocado, cheese (like cheddar and cottage cheese), roasted vegetables or leftover home-cooked meat such as roast chicken. 

For a healthier fry-up, rather than bacon or sausages with your eggs, add more grilled mushrooms and tomatoes. Or why not try halloumi or avocado? 

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