50 Disneyland Tips to Save You Time, Money, and Stress

Whether you’re a hardcore Disney fan or a first-time visitor, if you’re headed to Disneyland, you’re probably hoping to have a magical time. You can show up to a Disney park and just wing it, but there’s so much to see and do that you’re better off planning your trip by reading Disneyland guides and learning some tips for your visit. Disney is notorious for hiding surprises and Easter eggs around its parks – but it’s also famous for its long lines and high prices. You’ll probably have a wonderful time no matter what, but if you don’t go in with a game plan, you could leave spending more money or time on unexpected things that you’d like. All that said, don’t worry, because we’re here to help.

If you’re looking to step up your game for your next trip to the happiest place on Earth, there are tons of little-known Disneyland tricks for making the most of your time and money while in the park. While many of these tips also apply to other Disney parks, some are specific to the original Disneyland Resort. Read on for Disneyland tips and hacks that will save you money, time, and stress on your next vacation so you can have the most magical experience possible.

– Additional reporting by Allison Chan, Tara Block, and Megan duBois

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