My little girl was left brain damaged after we struggled to get a GP appointment for 8 weeks – I feel let down

A MUM has revealed how her little girl was left brain damaged after she claimed GPs said her baby would ‘be fine’.

Ada Millard developed a “wandering eye” at just 12-weeks-old.

When Ada Millard was just 12-weeks-old when a health visitor noticed her ‘wandering eye’SWNS

SWNSHer mum Ella (pictured together above) said she struggled to see medics to get her daughter checked out[/caption]

The scan above shows that little Ada had been struggling with a cyst the size of a tennis ball growing in her headSWNS

The youngster then went on to develop a raft of worrying mobility issues.

But when mum Ella Dean, 28, tried to get an appointment, she was told she would have to wait eight weeks, she claims.

Ella said that GPs didn’t notice that Ada had a cyst the size of a tennis ball growing in her head.

The mum-of-two said specialists have now diagnosed the seven-month-old baby with a very large arachnoid cyst growing in her brain – only after she finally took her to A&E.

And the rare mass has tragically left the tot visually impaired, suffering from seizures and with lifelong brain damage.

She now faces an extremely risky operation to rid her of the growth, and Ella believes her outcomes would have been different if it had been spotted months earlier.

She said: “If this was intervened sooner, she wouldn’t have started having seizures, her eyesight wouldn’t have been as damaged, and her brain wouldn’t be as damaged.

“The problem we’ve got is the cyst is actively growing. So the more growth it’s done, the more damage is being caused.

“I do feel let personally let down by the GP. I feel if he wasn’t 100 per cent, it should have been sent to somebody else who was an expert in the area.

“If they have a concern, really, they should be referred to someone who specialises in certain departments.”

Ada was born on June 27 following a perfect pregnancy, Ella, from York said.

However, she noticed her little girl had bloodshot eyes which ‘seemed unusual’.

What are arachnoid cysts?

Arachnoid cysts are the most common type of brain cyst, experts at John Hopkins Medicine state.

They are often present at birth, but a head injury or a trauma can also result in a secondary arachnoid cyst.

“The cysts are fluid-filled sacs, not tumors.

“The likely cause is a split of the arachnoid membrane, one of the three layers of tissue that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord,” guidance states.

Some of these cysts never present a problem, but if they are causing pressure on the brain then you might experience some symptoms.

The experts state that these depend on the size and location of the cyst.

These include:

Nausea and vomiting
Lethargy, including excessive fatigue or low energy
Visible lumps or protrusions from the head or spine
Developmental delays
Hydrocephalus due to obstruction of normal cerebrospinal fluid circulation
Endocrine (hormone-related) issues, such as early onset of puberty
Involuntary head bobbing
Vision problems

If you are worried about your symptoms then you should see your GP.

A health visitor told Ella and her partner, Drew Millard, 28, to book a check-up with a doctor after noticing Ada had developed a “wandering eye”.

But the new mum said her local GP surgery gave her baby the all clear after inspecting her vision.

At the 12 week check up, Ella said the GP shone a light in Ada’s eye and said she was fine.

“By the time she got to four months old, I started to have growing concerns.

“She wasn’t giving any direct eye contact, she wasn’t following objects, she wasn’t reaching out to grab things, she wasn’t able to lift her head up properly.

“I’d rang the GP and tried to get another appointment, but I was told it would be eight weeks for a telephone call.

“She was due her third lot of immunisations, so I took her to the GP to get her jabs done.

“While I was there, I basically said to the nurse, ‘Can you please have a look at my baby and tell me what you think because I’m certain she’s not right, and I don’t know what to do.’”

Ella said the nurse took her concerns seriously and brought a doctor to see her baby who then said she’d recommended her for a referral to a specialist.

But by this point, Ella felt she had waited long enough for assistance and decided to take Ada to the A&E with her partner Drew on December 9 last year.

Over the next two days, doctors examined Ada’s eyesight and put her through various scans, before she was transferred to Leeds General Infirmary (LGI) in an ambulance.

And following extensive tests, neurosurgeons broke the shock news to her parents that Ada had a rare cyst that was growing in her brain.

Ella said: “We saw the neurosurgeons there, and they say she needs to go for an MRI scan, but they said, ‘from the CT scan, we believe she has a large arachnoid cyst in her brain.’ “Basically, it’s a build-up of spinal fluid. This cyst develops within the womb, and the baby is born with it, and that explains why she had bloodshot eyes at the delivery.

“It’s just kept growing and growing, and it’s put pressure and moved the rest of her head and her brain. So her brain is all shifted to one side and the cyst has kept growing.”

“In December, it was around 6cm in diameter – the size of a tennis ball.”

Ella said Eva has since suffered seizures and doctors are now debating a risky operation to remove the cyst from her brain, which could leave her paralysed.

The mum added: “It’s horrible I’ve had to see her suffer.

“But she is a very happy baby, even through this, she’s always been smiling. She’s got a cheeky sense of humour, and she’s very audible. She listens to everything.”

The family are now raising money to help with their finances.

SWNSThe family are now raising money to help with their finances[/caption]  Read More 
