Your Feb. 12 Weekly Horoscope Encourages You to Make Peace With the Past

Take a deep breath and surrender what no longer resonates with your higher purpose. Your Feb. 12 weekly horoscope has arrived, and it has everything to do with honoring your inner knowing and trusting the power of divine timing. If you were unconsciously approaching situations with a rigid or overly pragmatic frame of mind before, the universe is now presenting you with a brand new perspective and a plethora of possibilities and solutions.

On Feb. 11, Mercury journeyed through Aquarius where it exalted and worked at its fullest potential. Upon entering the fixed air sign then, Mercury, the planet of the mind, communication, and immediate surroundings, transitioned from being disciplined to experimental. As Mercury now moves through Scorpio, the moon will make its monthly opposition to Uranus, which is typically just as insightful as it is unexpected. With all this cosmic energy, pay close attention to your surroundings.

On Feb. 15, while swimming through the depths of Pisces, Venus will conjunct Neptune, the planet of universal love. Keep in mind that Neptune and Jupiter joined forces in Pisces last year, transcending our limiting beliefs while also dissolving the boundaries between our physical reality and our connection to spirit. This mystical synergy brought artistic healing and spiritual expansion for many. As for Venus, its close proximity to Neptune will not only heighten our intuition but also validate our desire to close an important chapter in our life. Take this as your sign to officially make peace with the past.

The sun will also be making a conjunction with Saturn in Aquarius on Feb. 16 for the last time before it enters Pisces on March 7. In the meantime, think back to March 2020, when Saturn first entered Aquarius. What lessons and restructures have you endured since? Consider this time to be a point of completion and recognize your growth and progress. This is especially true with the sun entering Pisces on Feb. 18, the last sign in the zodiac wheel, which represents everything from surrender to spiritual transcendence. Your level-up starts now.

If you’re wondering what this week has in store for you, read on for your weekly horoscope for Feb. 12 through Feb. 18, according to your zodiac sign and your rising sign. For a look at the year ahead, also read your 2023 yearly horoscope.

Aries (March 21–April 19) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 12, 2023

It’s been a hectic couple of weeks, but things are starting to make more sense, Aries. Fortunately, with Mercury transiting through Aquarius, you not only have the logic and strategy to move forward with conviction but also the right individuals to support you along the way.

On a more visceral note, Venus will be joining forces with Neptune on Feb. 15, and this is an opportunity for you to close things out. Whether it’s regarding a past experience that still haunts you or a relationship that’s no longer fulfilling you, it’s time to make peace with your decisions. On a brighter note, Mercury will harmonize with Jupiter in your sign on Feb. 17, which can be equally as inspiring as it is fortuitous for your plans moving forward.

Taurus (April 20–May 20) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 12, 2023

While the phrase “think outside the box” might seem oversaturated, the universe is encouraging you to do just this, Taurus. The week of Feb. 12 begins on a spontaneous note, as the moon will be making an opposition to Uranus in your sign. This could make you feel the sudden urge to connect with a significant other or someone you’re interested in collaborating with. Though this could seem contradicting or unconventional for you, especially with the Sagittarius moon’s opposition to Mars on Feb. 14, your value systems have changed (and will continue to do so).

Your celestial ruler, Venus, will also be joining forces with Neptune on Feb. 15. This could, in turn, heighten your intuition and feelings of compassion, which can be remarkably productive for those of you who partake in humanitarian affairs. The following day, however, the sun will meet with Saturn, bringing emphasis to your past experiences in the workplace or your accomplishments. Reflect on the past three years as you reach a point of completion. Also, with the sun making its debut in Pisces on Feb. 18, surrender the limiting beliefs and structures that held you back once upon a time.

Gemini (May 21–June 20) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 12, 2023

You’re shining as bright as ever, Gemini. With your cosmic ruler, Mercury, officially transiting through Aquarius, you’re not only reveling in your curiosities but also expanding your social circles and visions of the future. Consider taking a risk, especially when you’re being enlightened with new perspectives and all of the possibilities that come along with it.

On Feb. 15, while moving through your 10th house of authority and reputation in the world, Venus will join forces with Neptune. This will be extremely healing and validating. Use this time to trust your inner knowing, cultivate compassion, and practice self-love. After all, when considering the sun’s close proximity to Saturn on Feb. 16, you could be confronted with an important decision or opportunity. The sun’s movement also marks a completion point, so look back and reflect on what you were able to accomplish since 2020.

On Feb. 17, Mercury will harmonize with Jupiter, which may present you with an unexpected opportunity or inspire you to take a bold leap of faith. The sun will debut in Pisces shortly after, which will provide some revelations surrounding your professional life.

Cancer (June 21–July 22) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 12, 2023

Important matters are being brought to the forefront, Cancer. The week of Feb. 12 kicks off with Mercury transiting through Aquarius, which automatically brings clarity to taboo-like topics and all that is unspoken. Fortunately, when considering the Venus–Neptune conjunction happening on Feb. 15, you are simultaneously being called to surrender an outdated philosophy, trust your intuition, and maybe even take a leap of faith.

As the sun will conjunct Saturn on Feb. 16, reflect on the foundation of your commitments and collaborations since 2020. Ask yourself, how have you personally and professionally grown and evolved since? As one chapter closes, another one begins. Last up, the sun makes its debut in Pisces on Feb. 18, and everything from your spirituality to your understanding of the unknown will be emphasized.

Leo (July 23–Aug. 22) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 12, 2023

Aquarius season isn’t always good to you, Leo. The week of Feb. 12 begins as the Scorpio moon makes a direct opposition to Uranus, which will create friction between the desire to keep to yourself versus the desire to allow unexpected changes to play. Venus will also join forces with Neptune on Feb. 15, which can be equally as intuitive as it is spiritually liberating.

Whether personally or professionally, this mystical synergy is here to validate your intuition and help you make peace with closing a significant chapter in your life. Though chances are you’re already well-acquainted with this energy, especially if it started back in 2020. Finding the will to build a connection upon a solid foundation is key, which leaves no room for connections and commitments that lack stability and integrity. To close out the week, a leap of faith could benefit you greatly on Feb. 17, as Mercury will join Jupiter in a lucky sextile. Use your words wisely, but don’t be afraid to follow your heart.

Virgo (Aug. 23–Sept. 22) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 12, 2023

Keep your thoughts a secret for the time being, Virgo. After the moon enters Scorpio, it will sit directly across from Uranus on Feb. 12, creating friction between your polarizing perspective and the revolution of your value systems and outlook on life. Something’s shifting in a big way, perhaps more than you feel comfortable admitting. Venus will also be joining forces with Neptune in Pisces on Feb. 15, bringing emphasis and healing. Knowing this, follow your intuition, and trust your inner knowing.

When considering the sun’s conjunction to Saturn on Feb. 16, this epiphany or intuitiveness more than likely revolves around an important commitment – maybe even a business partnership you’ve been nurturing since 2020. Either way, the universe is urging you to be brutally honest with yourself at this time, especially when it comes to what is practical moving forward. Fortunately, as the sun enters Pisces on Feb. 18, this area of your chart will be energized and revitalized.

Libra (Sept. 23–Oct. 22) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 12, 2023

Use your words and speak your truth, Libra. The week of Feb. 12 begins with Mercury transiting through Aquarius, which brings movement and intellectual traction to your fifth house of love, passion projects, and self-expression. Whether creatively or romantically, you’re more than likely to crave your freedom.

With the Venus–Neptune conjunction in Pisces on Feb. 15, you are being reminded to stop and smell the roses, especially if you have been overextending yourself in the workplace. Some of you may even decide to close an entire chapter, especially when it comes to your health habits and work routines. If you feel the intuitive nudge to do so, follow your instincts. Also, the sun will meet with Saturn Feb. 16, highlighting everything from your recent accomplishments to a point of completion in your journey. A new chapter awaits, one where you can bring stability and structure to your day-to-day affairs and general well-being.

Scorpio (Oct. 23–Nov. 21) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 12, 2023

Your heart is healing in more ways than you realize, Scorpio. After entering your sign, the moon will make an electric opposition to Uranus, which happens every month, but it doesn’t make this transit any less sporadic or unexpected. That said, don’t be surprised if your emotions are suddenly triggered on this day. Venus will also conjunct Neptune on Feb. 15, bringing intuitive healing and feelings of compassion to yourself. If there’s a creative endeavor you’ve been dwelling on or a past romantic experience that still plagues your thoughts, this will help you surrender and make peace with yourself moving forward.

Given that the sun will join forces with Saturn the following day, this could have something to do with your inner world or relationship with family members. The good news is the sun will be joining Venus in Pisces on Feb. 18, bringing energy and vitality to your creative fifth house of authenticity, children, and unique expression.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22–Dec. 21) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 12, 2023

Be gentle with yourself, Sagittarius. The week of Feb. 12 begins with the moon moving through Scorpio, but making a direct opposition to Uranus. This could result in a desire to keep to yourself once challenged by some unexpected circumstances, but don’t stress. Just make sure you’re tending to your well-being first and foremost. The moon will eventually enter your sign the next day and sit in opposition to Mars on Valentine’s Day. Though this is not great for the most romantic day of the year, if you find yourself in an unnecessary quarrel, try to not feed into it too much.

As if this weren’t enough for one week, the sun will join Saturn for the last time in Aquarius, lighting up your third house of siblings, neighbors, and immediate environments. What have you learned and cultivated since 2020? Notice specifically how you’ve improved your mindset and communication style.

Capricorn (Dec. 22–Jan. 19) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 12, 2023

If you’re feeling uncertain about your loyalty toward a few individuals, it’s important to be honest with yourself, Capricorn. On Feb. 12, while glimmering through Scorpio, the moon will make a direct opposition to Uranus via your fifth house of individuality and authenticity. This could be especially relevant to those of you consciously keeping something from someone.

If you’ve been wondering whether to partake in some heart-to-heart conversations with a loved one, Venus’s conjunction to Neptune on Feb. 15 could bring you the closure you’ve been seeking. The key is to make sure you’re trusting your intuition and honoring your innermost feelings in the process. After all, your taskmaster ruler, Saturn, will be meeting with the sun in Aquarius for the last time on Feb. 16. This could simultaneously highlight a new system or structure you’re experimenting with, mainly when it comes to your sense of security.

Aquarius (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 12, 2023

Do what makes you feel safe and secure moving forward, Aquarius. While transiting your 10th house of authority, the moon in Scorpio will sit in direct opposition to Uranus on Feb. 12. This means you could be tending to both your professional life and all of the chaos you have going on on the home front.

Feel free to lean on the healing synergy stemming from Venus conjunct Neptune on Feb. 15, as it will swim through your stability-seeking second house of sensual pleasures and value systems. You may have an intuitive hunch about a financial investment, while others of you may decide to surrender worries or doubts and place your trust in the universe. Truth be told, with the sun conjunct Saturn in your sign (for the last time) on Feb. 16, you’re being encouraged to reflect on your trials and tribulations since 2020, specifically as it pertains to your self-mastery. A new chapter of life is being birthed on the foundation you built and nurtured.

Pisces (Feb. 19–March 20) Weekly Horoscope For Feb. 12, 2023

Things may not make sense right away, but that doesn’t make them any less possible, Pisces. The week of Feb. 12 kicks off with the moon making its monthly opposition to Uranus. Know that if things are in flux in your immediate environment, don’t let the uncertainties cloud your judgment moving forward.

With the moon’s ingress into Sagittarius the following day – and its later opposition to Mars on Feb. 14 – your loved ones may have expectations around next steps. You may decide to make some changes on the home front, but either way, allow the chips to fall where they need to fall. Lastly, Venus joins forces with Neptune in your sign the next day, and you will be equally as alluring and charismatic as you are intuitive with your approach. Make sure you’re honoring your individual truth and practicing self-love. You’ve come a long way, but your spiritual journey continues.

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