Capricorns Are the Type-A Besties You Didn’t Know You Needed

Some people couldn’t care less about their reputation (oh hey, fire signs), but for Capricorn zodiac signs, nothing is more important than their public image. If your birthday falls roughly between December 22 and January 19, that would make you a loyal and dutiful Capricorn. And if this doesn’t explain why you may have an authoritative vibe and a pragmatic mindset, I don’t know what will.

As a grounded earth sign, Capricorns are extra practical and crave stability. Represented by the sea goat, they’re all about the journey and refuse to take shortcuts on the path to fulfilling their soul’s purpose. However, they owe their Type-A personality to being a cardinal sign, which prompts them to take initiative in everything they do.

POPSUGAR chatted with Tamerri Ater, astrologer and founder of Gift of the Nile, about Capricorn personality traits and why they’ve earned the reputation as the CEO of the zodiac.

Capricorn Traits: They’re Responsible

When it comes to discipline and hard work, Capricorns shine. They’re the first to step up to a task and will put in the work to get the job done, typically above and beyond what’s expected of them. The mature earth sign isn’t one to take any shortcuts, either. They see profit in playing the long game.

According to Ater, their authoritative vibe is thanks to their ruling planet. “Capricorn is ruled by the planet of sacrifice, Saturn,” Ater tells POPSUGAR. Saturn is also nicknamed the “Time Lord” since the slow-moving planet takes about 29 years to orbit through the entire zodiac.

Capricorn Traits: They’re Ambitious

Capricorns have high expectations for themselves. Whether it’s climbing the corporate ladder or tackling a major project for school, they’ll tune everything out so they can focus on getting it done. This is probably because they’re associated with the 10th house of career and public image, so having a go-getter reputation is important to them. Ater explains that Capricorn’s planetary ruler, Saturn, also has a huge impact.

“Saturn was once the furthest planet from the sun, which is why it’s associated with limits.” So when Capricorns feel a sense of purpose in a project, relationship, career, or whatever they find value in, they’ll put in the effort and care it takes to manifest their ultimate dreams.

Capricorn Traits: They’re Workaholics

Capricorns have a hard time managing their work-life boundaries. They’re known for prioritizing their career, putting in overtime, covering shifts, and keeping a steady pace at work. Though their diligence proves them to be loyal and responsible, it often comes at the expense of their relationships or personal well-being.

Making time for self-care, family, and friends can be a hard skill for the earth signs to master. “Capricorn’s symbol as the mountain-climbing goat is where their reputation for being status and career-driven comes from,” adds Ater.

Capricorn Traits: They’re Overly Realistic

Capricorns have a tendency to rationalize everything, especially concepts like spirituality that are too abstract to put into words. They’re the first to say an idea is foolish if they don’t see a clear, linear plan. “Capricorn is an earth sign, so they’re the builders of the zodiac and like to see tangible results,” says Ater.

Earth signs are tethered to the material world, so they try to keep a level head about everything. But while some might consider the Saturnian-ruled sea goat to be certified pessimists, they’d argue that they’re simply realists.

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