Simple test you can do at home to predict if you’re at risk of dying young

THERE are lots of obvious signs of aging – like greying hair and wrinkles.

But there are also lesser known signs, which could be an indication you’re at risk of dying young.

GettyBeing physically weak increases the risk of several age-related diseases[/caption]

A lack of grip strength could be a warning sign of a shorter life, according to a new study.

US researchers found people with weaker grips demonstrated “DNA methylation age acceleration” – which means they showed signs of aging faster than did those with stronger grips.

Speaking to Fox News, Doctor Mark Peterson, lead author of the study said he expected to find a link between weakness and faster aging, but was surprised by how strong the association was. 

“We’ve been using the new tagline, ‘Weakness is the new smoking,’” he explained.

Doctor Mark said medics should do grip testing during routine appointments to measure functional strength.

Grip strength is related to overall body strength.

This means having a weak grip makes it more likely there are weaknesses in other areas, the expert explained.

“If someone has weak grip strength, it should be a red flag that they have a high risk for age-related chronic diseases,” he said.

Age-related illnesses include dementiacardiovascular disease and diabetes.

If – when you try to hold onto objects – you notice your grip is weak it’s worth going to visit your GP for further tests.

Will improving my grip strength help me live longer?

The simple answer is, no.

If someone already has a weak grip, working on making those muscles stronger won’t magically add years to their life, the scientist said.

This is because weak grip strength is just an indicator of accelerated aging — it doesn’t cause it.

“The solution is not to improve grip strength, but to do all the things in life that are important for improving the overall robustness of the body,” the doctor explained.

That means focusing on things such as eating a well-balanced diet, avoiding alcohol and regular physical activity

The study was published in the Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle.

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