I ate nothing but pizza for 30 days straight now I’m more ripped than ever

A MAN managed to lose half a stone despite eating 10 slices of pizza every day for a month.

Personal trainer Ryan Mercer, 34, who scoffed pizza for breakfast, lunch and dinner, says he’s now more ripped than when he started his weight loss challenge.

SWNSRyan planned diet of pizza, which fell within his calorie limit and hit is protein target[/caption]

SWNSRyan says now more ripped than when he started his weight loss challenge[/caption]

“I aimed to highlight not only fat loss about calories in and calories out but that it’s also not about restriction,” he explained.

“We don’t have to restrict our favourite foods to get results and I also wanted to encourage more people to prepare their own food,” he added.

Ryan’s usual diet is a flexible approach to eating, with a healthy protein intake, and seven to ten portions of fruit and vegetables each day.

But as part of his food challenge, Ryan from Bangor in Northern Ireland, carefully planned a diet of just pizza, which fell within his calorie limit and hit is protein target.

“Pizza is one of my all-time favourite foods, so I enjoyed eating it all month, although I did ensure I had a large variety of different pizzas to give myself some variance,” he said.

At the end of the month, Ryan became leaner, which surprised many of his followers online.

“I designed a system, and this is what got me to my goal,” he explained.

“I had two pitta pizzas and one larger dough-based pizza per day, this equated to roughly 10 slices per day.

“Additionally, I left room for additional snacks,” he said.

Ryan only recommends the diet if it suits the person’s lifestyle citing “everyone is different”.

His video reveal garnered over 2 million views online and has generated a huge response from fans.

He said: “I’ve had some negative comments, some very funny ones and of course some positive feedback.

“One thing we have in common is we all eat food so everyone has some sort of opinion when it comes to nutrition.”

Is pizza healthy?

Ready-made pizza or pizza’s you get in restaurants tend to be very high in calories and fat.

An average dominos pizza contains around 1,760 calories – that’s almost your entire daily calorie intake.

Pizza is normally very high in salt. Too much sodium in the diet can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke, studies have shown.

But homemade pizza’s are usually a lot healthier, if you substitute some unhealthy elements for healthy alternatives.

For instance, try replacing a dough pizza base for a pizza, and switch red meats for lean white meats like chicken.

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