What treatment really works for unsightly fungal toenails? Dr Zoe Williams answers your health questions

HUMANS are adaptable, which means quite often we learn to live with things because the thought of fixing them or making an appointment to see a GP seems like a lot of bother over nothing.

But if something is playing on your mind, it’s worth getting it checked out.

Dr Zoe Williams answers questions sent in by readers

It may be nothing, but whether it’s an unsightly toenail, like one reader is dealing with this week, a cough that won’t shift, or a dodgy mole that needs looking at, it’s better to nip worries in the bud.

So if it’s not urgent, visit your pharmacist or make the most of e-consults with your GP, saving you time and helping you avoid the 8am rush for an in-person appointment.

Here’s what readers have been asking me this week . . .

Q: MY 90-year-old mother has swollen feet and ankles.

She has rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis.

I asked her specialist about it at her last appointment, some time ago, and he said it was age-related oedema.

Do you think a circulation booster like Revitive or something similar would help?

I can afford to buy one for Mum, but don’t want to disturb her with something that is ineffective.

The swelling is worse in very hot and very cold weather.

It does go down when Mum is more active but these days she only really walks between the bedroom, bathroom and living room of our bungalow, using a tea trolley for balance.

I take her out in a wheelchair.

She likes to wander in the garden with her walking frame but that is not possible at this time of year.

A: Firstly, thanks so much for your question.

I get asked a lot about gadgets and supplements that aren’t available on the NHS and there’s a broad spectrum out there so it is worth asking a health professional — or in this case, me.

There are some studies that say this product — which uses electrical muscle stimulation tech to boost circulation — works and generally speaking, the customer reviews are good.

It claims to be able to help with medical conditions including osteoarthritis, diabetes, oedema, high blood pressure or high cholesterol.

However, it’s not for everyone. It has to be used with bare feet so if your mum feels the cold a lot, that’s something to keep in mind.

It’s also not suitable for people with a pacemaker or automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator, for pregnant women and anyone with signs or symptoms of DVT.

I see on the product’s website there is a 90-day money-back trial but please make sure you read the small print.

I’m not sure where you are in the country too, but some private podiatry clinics have options to hire, where you can try it before you buy it.

At around £300, it’s a lot of money to spend, so this might be an alternative option.

I don’t know your mum’s full medical history so it might be worth completing an online e-consult asking the question of her GP before you try it out too.

Q: I HAVE several unsightly fungal toenails, which look awful when wearing sandals in the summer.

I have tried numerous different over-the-counter treatments that have had no effect whatsoever.

Many years ago, I was even prescribed antibiotics by my then GP, although after three months he refused to give me any more, so the treatment was never completed.

Can you advise on something that really works?

While you say you’ve visited your GP with this, you do say it was a long time ago so if you haven’t visited them again, please do make an appointment.

You can take pictures and send them in with an online e-consult to help speed things up.

Your GP may ask you to take clippings to be sent off to the laboratory to confirm the diagnosis – these should be taken from the crumbling free edge of the affected nail.

Fungal nail infections sometimes require oral antifungal medication, and it can take months to recover, so while you await an appointment with your GP, go to your local pharmacy and ask for a consultation in a private room.

You can show your pharmacist and they can advise on an appropriate nail paint or medication to be using in the meantime.

If it seems to be working, you can stay with this, but sticking with it persistently is the key, as it can take 12 months to completely clear a fungal nail infection.

In some studies, tea tree oil has been found to help but mention this to your pharmacist or GP before you start as it could be that it won’t work alongside whatever you’re using over the counter or on prescription.

If it’s not helping and the lab confirms fungus then your GP may prescribe oral antifungal medication.

However, they might need to do a blood test first and if you’re already taking other medicines it may not be straightforward or even possible, due to there being lots of drug interactions with antifungal medicines.

It’s a good idea to start targeting this now, though, while we’re all still in socks and boots though.

Hopefully by the summer you’ll be able to wear sandals with pride.

Fears over heartbeat

Q: DOES an ectopic heartbeat that becomes more noticeable need checking? I suffer with anxiety.

A: An ectopic heartbeat is when the ventricle chambers of the heart beat prematurely and it can feel like your heart has periods of irregular or skipped beats.

From personal experience, it’s a very strange sensation, which can make you feel uncomfortable or apprehensive.

The feeling can last seconds, minutes or even longer.

If you’ve been diagnosed already, you’ll know they are not usually a sign of any­thing sinister and actually considered pretty normal.

In people who have heart disease, though, they can be more cause for concern.

They’re more often than not related to periods of lack of sleep, stress or anxiety – which you say you have too.

If they’re increasing in frequency or the episodes are going on for longer than a few minutes, your GP will want to know.

It’s also worth starting a diary to see when they occur.

If something triggers your anxiety and they happen at that time, you will see a pattern that they could be anxiety-related.

But if they’re happening when you’re relaxed you can show your GP exactly what you experienced, and how frequently, which will help them with possible onward referrals either for an ECG or talking therapies for your anxiety.

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