Black hairy tongue? The 7 signs your mouth is trying to tell you something

THERE’S more than meets the eye when it comes to our mouths. 

Not just an eating tool, the state of our chops can be a real indicator of overall health.

GettyGood oral hygiene can help ward off lots of different health conditions[/caption]

Dr Uchenna Okoye, a cosmetic dentist at says that as well as the usual things such as tooth decay and gum disease, our mouth can tell us whether we have diabetes, heart disease and a raft of other health conditions.

Dr Okoye says: “Looking after your smile isn’t just about aesthetics; the health of your teeth and gums can make a difference in the way you feel and it affects your immunity.”

Do you spy any of the below in your mouth?

1. White spots on the tongue 

“A healthy tongue should be light pink in colour,” says Dr Okoye.

White spots on your tongue can be a sign of many things depending on what it looks like. 

“A coating that looks like cottage cheese is most likely to be thrush. 

“Causes can range from poor oral health in which the bacteria proliferates; medication such as antibiotics; asthma inhalers; and dry mouth due to medications such as antidepressants and blood pressure medications.”

A depressed immune system, caused by diabetes or cancer for example, can also cause white spots on the tongue.

“Be aware, it can affect all areas of your mouth, basically anywhere with mucosa that is pink,” says Dr Okoye.

She warns that if you have a thick white patch anywhere that doesn’t disappear after three to four weeks, it may be oral cancer, so you must get checked out,

2. A coloured tongue 

“A yellow tongue may mean liver problems while a blue or purple tongue may be a sign of heart problems. 

“If you noticed these colours, visit your GP as soon as possible,” says Dr Okoye.

If you spy bluish spots on your tongue, this could be a blood blister from biting the tongue, but Dr Okoye adds that it could be a sign of something more sinister, so it’s best to get it checked. 

3. Black hairy tongue

Dr Okoye reveals that a black hairy tongue is usually due to a build up of bacteria, especially  seen in smokers. 

“It’s important to use a tongue scraper here,” advises Dr Okoye.

She adds: “Black tongue is also very common in people who are taking Bismuth Subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol) which is a common medication people take for indigestion, heartburn, diarrhoea and nausea. 

“Black tongue goes away once you stop taking the medication.”

4. Bleeding gums

“It’s really important to act when you see this.

“It is the first indication of problems and a sign that there is inflammation,” says Okoye. 

She does add however that bleeding gums are reversible, and to avoid this often painful scenario, it’s wise to up your brushing and also your brush cleaning routine. 

“Work with a hygienist to help here. You want to avoid bleeding gums progressing from gingivitis to periodontitis, which is full blown gum disease.”

5. Webbing inside the mouth

If you notice ‘web-like patterns inside your cheek’, it could be down to lichen planus, which is a typically non-dangerous rash.

“It’s most common in women aged 40+ and can also cause shiny red bumps on other areas of your skin such as your hands, nails, or scalp. 

“Sadly there is no known cure but practising good oral hygiene and using a steroid mouthwash can help,” explains Dr Okoye.

“There is some evidence that it can be an early marker for oral cancer so it is important to keep up with your dentist check- ups.”

6. Dry mouth

Generally caused by not having enough saliva, Dr Okoye says dry mouth can cause a raft of problems. 

This can include tooth decay and gum disease as well as bad breath and a slightly altered sense of taste.

“Dry mouth is often caused by certain medications that people are on such as antihistamines, antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications. 

“Your dentist or hygienist will advise you so it’s important they know if and what medications you’re on.” 

Avoid dry mouth by drinking lots of water, which is the substrate for making saliva. 

“Try chewing sugar-free gum to help stimulate the production of saliva, but only chew for ten minutes or as long as the flavour lasts,” says Dr Okoye.

7. Mouth sores

These crater-like sores appear inside or outside the mouth and are sometimes called canker sores. 

“Stress, hormones, allergies, or a nutritional deficiency of iron, folic acid, or vitamin B12 may be to blame, and eating certain acidic or spicy foods can make them worse. 

“If they last longer than three to four weeks however, you must get them checked out,” says Dr Okoye.

3 tips for good mouth health

A dentist’s top 3 tips for maintaining good mouth health…

“Visit your dentist every six months and your hygienist every three months. 

“If I had to choose, I’d go to the hygienist as they’re trained to look out for problems so they can call in the dentist if there are any concerns,” says Dr Okoye.

“Floss the teeth you want to keep as it helps remove plaque and prevents the enamel in your teeth from becoming eroded.”

Use an electric toothbrush, twice a day minimum. 

Along with the brush, use a good quality toothpaste with fluoride and silica to protect enamel such as MySmile Whitening Toothpaste (£17.99).

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