Scientists reset official Doomsday Clock for 2023 and reveal how close we are to the end of humanity

SCIENTISTS have just reset the official Doomsday Clock and given it a new time concerning time for 2023.

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists hosted a live virtual news conference today to reveal when they think the world will end.

The new time was unveiled in Washington, DC this morning

The time is now set at 90 seconds to midnightAP:Associated Press

The Doomsday Clock has been reset for 2023, last year it was put at 100 seconds to midnight

The Doomsday Clock has been reset to a time of 90 seconds to midnight.

Last year, it was set at 100 seconds to midnight.

The new time – 90 seconds to midnight – is the closest that the clock has ever been to suggesting that the end of humanity will happen soon if no action is taken.

The farthest the Clock has ever been set away from midnight is 17 minutes but that was decades ago in 1991.

Before the reset, rumors swirled that the Russia-Ukraine war would move the time on the Clock closer to midnight.

The Doomsday Clock announcement started with a warning about the war, biosecurity, and nuclear weapons.

The Doomsday Clock countdown – which acts as a metaphor for the global apocalypse – takes into account the likelihood of emerging threats like war breaking out and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic as well as advances in biotechnology and artificial intelligence.

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists believes humans can lessen the threats to humanity that they’ve created.

A panel of scientists revealed that the new time represents fears over nuclear weapons being used by Russia.

Panel member Dr. Steve Fetter said: “The risk of nuclear catastrophe is higher today than last year.”

Elbegdorj Tsakhia, former president and prime minister of Mongolia, said the new time should be “cause for concern” and that we’re closer than ever to disaster.

This is the first year the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists will release its Doomsday Clock statement in English, Ukrainian, and Russian.

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