Best place to park your car in winter to save petrol revealed – plus three tips to conserve fuel in the cold

CAR EXPERTS have revealed the best place to park your car in winter to save petrol.

With the cost of living continuing to rise, millions of Brits are looking to save money on fuel.

Car experts have revealed the best place to park your car in winter to save fuelGETTY_HUB

Handily, car experts at Bill planting Driving school and National Scrap Car have shared tips to save fuel this winter.

The first one is parking your car in a warm place, such as a garage, during the colder months.

This will increase your engine’s temperature and reduce the need to spend time warming it up before driving.

Drivers should also spend less time warming their car while idling.

The engine will warm up faster whilst driving, reducing emissions and maximising fuel economy during these colder days.

Also, check your car’s manual for the correct tyre pressure, as underinflated tyres can increase fuel consumption anywhere between 0.6% and 3%.

It’s also worth knowing that maintaining the correct tyre pressure will increase longevity, as well as saving on fuel consumption – which also saves you money. 

Removing unnecessary weight from your vehicle will also maximise fuel economy.

Experts insist that leaving your car to warm up before driving isn’t necessary.

Luckily, most modern motors have fuel-injected engines, which means most are safe to drive straight away.

If the police catch you leaving your car unattended, you could get a hefty fine.

Speaking to the Daily Express, Dorry Potter, car and scrappage expert for National Scrap Car said: “In fact, it has been said that leaving your engine idle for too long on a cold day can cause engine oil dilution which can lead to damage.

“It is safer, as long as the windscreen, back window and mirrors have been de-iced, and more fuel efficient to drive almost immediately after switching the engine on a cold day.

“Also, it is useful to bear in mind that it is actually illegal to leave an idling vehicle unattended, as per rule 123 of the Highway Code, which could leave you with a fine.

“And if that isn’t bad enough, insurance companies may also refuse to pay out if the car is stolen when left running and unattended.”

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