I had no idea I had a heart shaped uterus – now I’ve given birth to one-in-500 million twins

A MUM with a heart-shaped uterus has defied the odds and given birth to one-in-500 million twins.

Karen Troy, 25, was shocked to discover she had a heat-shaped uterus – only after she was told she was carrying twins.

Karen having the scan where she found out she had a heart shaped uterusSWNS

SWNSKaren with Ryan and Raelynn with her husband Shaunan[/caption]

SWNSKaren’s one-in-five million twins Ryan and Raelynn.[/caption]

The chance of becoming pregnant with twins with a heart-shaped womb, is only about one-in-500 million.

The young mum from Massachusetts, US said. “I was more worried about the fact I was having two babies than having a heart-shaped uterus.

“I just wanted to make sure they were okay.”

By the time she was pregnant with twins in January 2021, Karen had already had her first child – now six – but had not then known she had the unusually shaped uterus.

The rare condition, which only affects around three per cent of women, can lead to abdomen pain, irregular menstrual bleeding and difficulty in carrying pregnancy to term.

Women with the condition are up to 30 per cent more likely to have a miscarriage then women who do not, according to one study.

But the stay-at-home mum was lucky enough to have a smooth pregnancy, until she developed a high blood-pressure condition known as pre-eclampsia.

At just 34 weeks. Karen was then rushed for a c-section.

Hours later on September 5 2021, Karen’s twins, Ryan and Raelynn, were born.

The babies, weighing 5lbs 10oz and 5lbs 1oz spent 27 days at Umass memorial medical center, Massachusetts, US.

Karen and husband, Shaunan, 24 who owns a junk removal company, were “so excited to finally bring them home and that everything had come well for them.”

What are the symptoms of a bicornuate uterus?

If you have symptoms of a bicornuate uterus, you might experience:

Frequent miscarriages (usually more than three).
Vaginal bleeding.
Painful menstruation.
Painful intercourse (dyspareunia).
Pelvic pain.

Source: Cleveland Clinic

The twins are now 16 months old and are thriving apart from some delays in their motor skills.

“They are both so different,” Karen said.

“Raelynn is a hurricane, she loves to pick everything up and put it in her mouth.

“And Ryan will observe more and is quieter.

“I’m just glad they are healthy and well,” she added.

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