Urgent warning over silent killer that can first appear as feeling really tired

FEELING tired is a normal part of life.

You might have been burning the candle at both ends with late nights and early mornings or maybe you’ve got children keeping you up.

GettyExperts say that feeling tired all the time could be a symptom of type 2 diabetes[/caption]

The NHS says being TATT (tired all the time), is one of the most common reasons for people booking in to see their GP.

Most of the time, the reasons are obvious and you can remedy the feeling by getting more sleep or changing your lifestyle, such as tweaking parts of your life, from work to family, that might be particularly exhausting.

However, the health service warns that being TATT can also be one of the first signs of a silent killer.

Type 2 diabetes is a common condition, which causes the level of sugar in the blood to become too high.

Whereas type 1 diabetes is where the body can’t make any of the hormone insulin at all, type 2 is where the pancreas can’t make enough insulin, or the insulin it does make doesn’t work properly to break down glucose in the blood.

Type 2 is known as a silent killer because around 1 million Brits live with the condition but don’t know it, according to the charity Diabetes UK.

It can go undetected in many people because the symptoms don’t always make you feel unwell.

The NHS states that one of the main signs of the illness is feeling very tired.

Experts at Bass Medical Group explained this is partly because blood sugar levels are always high when you have the condition – with the sugar having a difficult time entering the body.

“This causes the cells to work with less efficiency because they do not have the proper amount of energy.

“Because of this, a person with type 2 diabetes may feel tired all the time,” they explained.

Another potential side effect of the condition is low blood sugar, also known as hypoglycemia.

This can also cause fatigue as the patient isn’t getting the energy they require.

Earlier this month, a warning was issued to those under the age of 30 amid a rise in cases of the illness.

A study revealed that rates of type 2 diabetes in young adults have risen from 1990 to 2019.

Writing in the BMJ, the experts said in 1990 the rate of young adults (those under 30) being diagnosed was around 117 per 100,000 in the population.

In 2019, this increased by 56.4 per cent to 183, the experts found.

In November, experts at Exeter University said over a quarter of a million Brits are unaware they are living with type 2 diabetes.

They said all adults aged 40-70 should be screened for the condition.

The other main signs of diabetes include:

peeing more than usual, particularly at nightfeeling thirsty all the timelosing weight without trying toitching around your penis or vagina, or repeatedly getting thrushcuts or wounds taking longer to healblurred vision

The NHS recommends seeing your GP if you have any of the symptoms of type 2 diabetes.

In order to get a diagnosis, you will need to have a blood test which can usually be carried out at your local health centre or GP surgery.

In the event of an emergency, always call 999 or visit your nearest A&E department.

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