Your Dec. 18 Weekly Horoscope Is Supercharging You With Confidence

With another year coming to a close, it is only natural to reflect on your experiences and the wisdom you’ve obtained in the last 12 months. Similarly, your Dec. 18 weekly horoscope is bringing significant shifts as we kick off a brand-new astrological season, which also marks the first day of winter in the Northern Hemisphere. What new journey(s) are you looking forward to embarking on, and what will you be leaving behind in the process?

Sagittarius season typically leaves us with a completely different perspective, mainly when it comes to our personal philosophy and belief systems. The last fire sign in the zodiac, the higher vibration of its mutable energy speaks to our ability to consider the infinite possibilities without being overly critical of ourselves or those around us. Opinions are subjective because there is such a thing as more than one truth. This is where Sagittarius’s innate desire for experience stems from, making the final weeks of this truth-seeking season all the more illuminating. That being said, after the moon enters smoldering Scorpio, it will harmonize with Venus, while the planet of love squares off with Chiron, the wounded healer, on Dec. 19. This challenging synergy could bring light to issues or past wounds regarding your self-worth as well as your personal and professional accountability.

That same day, Mars retrograde will also challenge the wounded healer, highlighting your inner dialogue and the mindsets that are no longer serving your highest good. This is also encouraging you to celebrate your truth and give yourself the credit you’re due. Just in time for Jupiter’s (second) debut in Aries on Dec. 20 – and the winter solstice, the following day – the cosmos are presenting you with a new start and supercharging you with the confidence you never knew you needed.

This year’s winter solstice will take place on Dec. 21 at exactly 4:47 p.m. EST in the Northern Hemisphere, marking a time for hibernation, reflection, and maturity. It’s no wonder the sun enters Saturn-ruled Capricorn on this day, as this astrological season represents the foundation and structure of our lives as well as our sense of authority in the world. Saturn can be a ruthless teacher, but its mere presence continues to show us the value of hard work – and discipline. On this day, Jupiter will clash with the sun in Capricorn, which can be equally invigorating as it is contradicting. The sun’s journey through pragmatic Capricorn is here to help you ground your long-term plans and commit to personal responsibilities; Jupiter in Aries, however, is inspiring you to take a leap of faith.

You may be more likely to second-guess yourself if you don’t feel like you have it all together, but this enthusiastic synergy is encouraging you to test your limits and trust the process. Besides, if not now, when? Speaking of experimenting on the new, Venus will harmonize with Uranus on Dec. 22, which can be just as inspiring as it is unexpected. Whether romantically, financially, or in terms of your beauty routine, don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. New beginnings are afoot, and with the moon renewing itself in Capricorn the following day, you have the celestial support needed to move forward and commit to a plan of self-mastery. Chiron will also be stationing direct, bringing more clarity to your healing process.

If you’re wondering what this week has in store for you, read on for your weekly horoscope for Dec. 18 through Dec. 24, according to your zodiac sign and your rising sign. To see what the rest of the year may bring, read your December monthly horoscope, and for a look at the year ahead, read your 2023 yearly horoscope.

Aries (March 21-April 19) Weekly Horoscope For Dec. 18, 2022

The only thing you have control of is your actions, so don’t lose focus, Aries. The week of Dec. 18 brings significant shifts and breakthroughs, mainly when it comes to your sense of authority, both personally and professionally speaking. Your intimate unions and dealings with others could be of greater prominence with the Scorpio moon, and its sextile to Venus on Dec. 19 is soothing some of the unwanted tension. This is especially true when considering Venus’s square to Chiron in your sign that same day, as you are more likely to recognize wounds and insecurities surrounding your sense of self-worth or idea of stability. Your celestial ruler, Mars retrograde, will also connect with the wounded healer, which will likely highlight some of these unconscious triggers and bring you some much-needed clarity in the process.

It’s all about perspective, and with the help of lucky Jupiter – returning to your sign on Dec. 20 – you will be inspired with the confidence and enthusiasm to move forward. The sun will also debut in Capricorn on Dec. 21, bringing emphasis to the most visible area of your chart while energizing your professional sphere. The sun’s square to bountiful Jupiter will catapult you into a brand-new chapter and present you with an exhilarating yet daunting reset. There’s nothing you love more than a good challenge, so keep your head held high. The good news is there will be a new moon in your 10th house of authority on Dec. 23, which will be both grounding and supportive. Chiron going direct in your sign could be a bit triggering, but its recent retrograde put you in a completely different head space. You know what time it is, so don’t undermine your strength.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Weekly Horoscope For Dec. 18, 2022

You’re back in your element this week, but there’s some energy to tackle first, Taurus. After the moon enters Scorpio – bringing emotional emphasis to your committed seventh house of significant others – it will harmonize with your celestial ruler, Venus, on Dec. 19. Whether it’s personally or professionally, this intimate synergy could bring stability and perspective to your one-on-one relationships. Although, when considering Venus’s square to the wounded healer, Chiron – via your 12th house of forgiveness, self-undoing, unconscious patterns – this could also be shedding light on your own patterns of self-sabotage, specifically in relationship dynamics.

Jupiter will enter Aries the following day, returning to your 12th house of all things behind the scenes. This is an excellent time to go inward and partake in introspection and self-reflection. However, once the sun enters fellow earth sign Capricorn – via your ninth house of expansion and spontaneous adventures the following day – it will clash with Jupiter in a daring square. Should you or shouldn’t you step out of your comfort zone? Is there a specific belief or philosophy inhibiting you from exploring your fullest potential? Venus will dance with Uranus in your sign on Dec. 22, which is where you’re likely to be caught off guard, if not catch others by surprise. The moon will renew itself the following day, inspiring and supporting you on a brand-new journey.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Weekly Horoscope For Dec. 18, 2022

You’re focusing on the stability of your unions right now, Gemini. The week of Dec. 18 begins on a grounding note, as the Scorpio moon will bring emphasis to your practical affairs while harmonizing with Venus in the area of your shared resources. Whether it involves a significant other or a professional employer, this serious synergy is bringing light to what was previously hidden from your conscious mind. Given that Venus will simultaneously square off with the wounded healer, Chiron – via your 11th house of community affairs – this could have something to do with external forces or individuals, if not your future hopes and dreams. What investment(s) are no longer in alignment with your values and self-worth?

Mars retrograde will also connect with Chiron, and this sextile will not only bring clarity but also guidance on next steps. The information you’ve been seeking is closer than you realize, and Jupiter’s ingress into Aries the following day will fuel the fire of your future visions and long-term goals. In the meantime, the sun’s debut in Capricorn and your transformative eighth house will intensify things in order for you to make sense of the bigger picture moving forward. Again, reflecting on the foundation of your unions and commitments is important. Venus will harmonize with Uranus the next day, bringing a series of intuitive downloads that can help liberate you from these outdated attachments. The power of divine timing is always at play, especially with a new moon happening in this area of your chart the following day.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) Weekly Horoscope For Dec. 18, 2022

You’re honoring your self-worth and value this week, Cancer. After the moon enters Scorpio and your heart-centered fifth house of love, it will harmonize with Venus in your relationship sector, highlighting the authenticity of your unions and the foundations they were built upon. The catch? Lady Venus will face off with the wounded healer, Chiron – via your 10th house of traditions – putting a spotlight on past wounds and insecurities revolving around your sense of authority. The silver lining, however, stems from a sextile between Mars retrograde and Chiron, as it will bring some long-awaited information that changes everything.

Are you ready to take the lead? With Jupiter returning to Aries and your 10th house of reputation, career moves, and destiny in the world on Dec. 20 – and challenging the sun in Capricorn the following day – one thing’s for sure: the cosmos are turning over a new leaf. You’re being called to level up and step into a period of maturity. This could involve a professional partnership or a romantic interest you’re ready to commit to. Either way, your one-on-one relationships are brought to the forefront in Capricorn season. And when considering Venus’s trine to Uranus in your 11th house of community on Dec. 22, you could be experimenting with a new social endeavor, whether online or in person. The new moon in Capricorn the following day couldn’t arrive at a better time.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Weekly Horoscope For Dec. 18, 2022

Ground yourself and sort out your priorities, Leo. The week of Dec. 18 begins on an emotionally intense note, as the moon will enter Scorpio and your fourth house of home, family, and innermost feelings. The moon, however, will meet with Venus the following day in a sweet sextile via your sixth house of health and daily rituals. If there are some errands you need to run before the holidays, or an appointment with your therapist you’re looking forward to attending, now is the time to do so. After all, Venus will clash with the wounded healer, Chiron, on Dec. 19, which may or may not trigger issues from the past or around your self-worth. Don’t be discouraged by this energy, and lean on your peers instead.

Mars retrograde will also be meeting with the wounded healer, and this will likely bring you the clarity and validation you’ve been seeking. On a more uplifting note, lucky Jupiter will return to fellow fire sign Aries – and your ninth house of expansion and self-discovery – on Dec. 20, which is pretty ideal for travel, education, and venturing into the unknown. The sun will face off with Jupiter the next day, after entering Capricorn and your sixth house of due diligence, pushing you to embark on a brand-new chapter. Easier said than done, but lucky and unexpected scenarios like this don’t come around often. Be sure to work with the new moon on Dec. 23, and set your intentions wisely.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Weekly Horoscope For Dec. 18, 2022

The truth will set you free, so let your heart speak for itself, Virgo. After the moon’s ingress into Scorpio at the start of the week, it will harmonize with Venus via your fifth house of passion, pleasure, and self-expression. Is there something you’d like to get off your chest during the holiday season? This could be pretty intimate, too, especially when considering Venus’s square to the wounded healer, Chiron. If you’ve been struggling with insecurities around your shared resources or finding comfort in your vulnerability with a romantic interest, this could bring light to the root of the issue.

Luckily, with bountiful Jupiter entering Aries and this area of your chart the following day, there’s more healing and expansion to come in the next few months. Keep in mind, after the sun enters fellow earth sign Capricorn on Dec. 21, it will go head to head with Jupiter via your eighth house of intimacy. Creatively, romantically, or in terms of a joint business venture, this exhilarating synergy will propel you forward and inspire the desire for a brand-new start. Venus will also dance with spontaneous Uranus the next day, suggesting the possibility of this being an unexpected opportunity or decision. A new moon in Capricorn on Dec. 23 will bring forth a clean slate, renewing itself via your heart-centered fifth house of authenticity. Be yourself.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Weekly Horoscope For Dec. 18, 2022

Your values are worthy, as is your emotional fulfillment, Libra. In the meantime, the week of Dec. 18 begins with the moon entering Scorpio and your second house of finances and sensual pleasures, followed by the moon’s sextile your planetary ruler, Venus. Sweetening things up via your fourth house of home, family, and innermost feelings, this comforting aspect is urging you to be honest with yourself in order to prioritize what truly matters to you. That same day, Venus will face off with the wounded healer, Chiron, in your relationship sector, highlighting past wounds or burdens surrounding your relationship with close relatives as well as your significant other’s loved ones. Others of you may be at odds with a partner about holiday traditions.

Fortunately, with lucky Jupiter entering Aries – and your relationship sector – the following day, you will have the help and support of the Greater Benefic between now and May 2023. Keep in mind, once the sun enters Capricorn – your home and family sector – the next day, it will square off with Jupiter. Ready or not, it’s time to take a risk that’s been long overdue, especially for those of you who’ve felt challenged by a significant other’s beliefs. You’re leveling up, and stepping into a new chapter. Trust it. Besides, Venus will harmonize with rebellious Uranus the following day, suggesting the likelihood of a surprise or epiphany you were not expecting. Never say never. With the moon renewing itself in your family sector on Dec. 23, it’s your turn to call the shots and commit to the life you desire and deserve.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Weekly Horoscope For Dec. 18, 2022

The more honest you are with yourself and others, the more powerful you come across, Scorpio. The moon will enter your sign at the start of the week, bringing you inward while intensifying your emotions, but it will eventually meet with Venus in a sweet sextile on Dec. 19. Dazzling your communication sector with maturity and sophistication, this grounding moon–Venus sextile is presenting you with an opportunity to communicate your truth and get your point across without hesitation. The catch? Venus will simultaneously face off with the wounded healer, Chiron, highlighting insecurities or burdens that could be weighing on your day-to-day life. Others of you could be struggling with time management or lacking a healthy work vs. life balance; with Mars retrograde also in the mix, you will likely gain clarity on how you can overcome this issue.

You’re in luck, considering the most auspicious planet (Jupiter) will be entering Aries on Dec. 20, bringing opportunity and expansion to your sixth house of heath, daily rituals, and work routines. Change isn’t always easy, but there are lucky breaks we can’t pass up. For instance, after entering Capricorn on Dec. 21, the sun will face off with Jupiter in an exhilarating square. You may or may not be ready to take a leap – personally or professionally – but this chapter is a part of your new beginning. Also, expect the unexpected, as Venus will meet with Uranus in a surprising trine the following day. Out-of-the-blue work opportunities could arise, while others of you may opt to experiment with sharing content via social media. Your eccentricities are your most valuable asset during this time, and the new moon in Capricorn on Dec. 23 means business.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Weekly Horoscope For Dec. 18, 2022

There’s nothing to be ashamed of as long as you have genuine intentions, Sagittarius. The week of Dec. 18 begins on a mysterious note, as the moon will ingress into Scorpio and your 12th house of secrets, closure, and inhibitions. On Dec. 19, however, the moon will harmonize with Venus via your stability-seeking second house of finance and comfort, highlighting some of the perks and luxuries you may have unconsciously taken for granted. This is especially true when considering Venus’s square to the wounded healer, Chiron, as it could simultaneously bring light to some of your insecurities or past wounds in the process. If this has something to do with a significant other, Mars retrograde’s sextile to Chiron can bring clarity to the situation, perhaps while asking you to retrace your steps or revisit an important conversation.

The best part? Your celestial ruler, Jupiter, will debut in fellow fire sign Aries on Dec. 20, bringing abundance, expansion, and luck to your fifth house of love, passion, and self-expression. Whether it’s creatively or in terms of romance, you’re in for a treat in 2023. Do keep in mind, upon the sun’s ingress into Capricorn the following day, it will square your celestial ruler, Jupiter, which is where you could feel torn between following your heart vs. keeping things exactly as they are. This is one of those “now or never” moments, but the good news is you’re being supported by the cosmos. As it is, Venus will meet with spontaneous Uranus the following day, bringing surprising news or an unexpected twist that could benefit you in the long term. Just in time for your new-moon/new-beginning moment on Dec. 23, it’s your turn to take charge.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Weekly Horoscope For Dec. 18, 2022

Family means something different to everyone, but your loved ones have your back, Capricorn. The moon will enter Scorpio and your 11th house of community affairs to start the week and will eventually harmonize with Venus in your sign on Dec. 19. You could feel the need to “clean house” with your social connections – whether in person or via social media – and Venus’s square to the wounded healer, Chiron, could bring up past resentments and/or wounds in the process. Take a breather, because there’s no such thing as perfect. On a more positive note, lucky Jupiter will be entering your family sector on Dec. 20, which can be equally as beneficial as it is enlightening from now until May 2023.

You more than anyone know that nothing “good” comes easy, so don’t be afraid to test your limits upon the sun’s debut in your sign on Dec. 21. After all, while glimmering through your sign, the sun will face off with Jupiter that same day, which is where your faith and beliefs are likely to be tested on the home front. Growing pains are necessary, so don’t get down on yourself about this new chapter. Nothing is meant to stay the same. Surprise, surprise! An ingenious trine between Venus and Uranus on Dec. 22 could bring an unexpected breakthrough, while others of you commit to an unconventional tradition. A new moon in your sign the following day brings celebration and renewal; it’s only upward from here.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Weekly Horoscope For Dec. 18, 2022

Remember who you are, Aquarius. The week of Dec. 18 begins on a powerful note, as the moon will slip into Scorpio and your bossy 10th house of authority and destiny in the world. Spidey senses are in full effect, so pay attention to your intuitive downloads. As a matter of fact, the moon will be in harmony with Venus on Dec. 19, which could potentially bring light to traditions and structures that bring you peace of mind. Others of you, however, may feel the call to reflect on your professional values and perhaps when it comes to something you’re ready to leave behind. After all, Venus will face off with the wounded healer, Chiron – via your third house of local community – but there’s no need to feel discouraged or resentful.

Fortunately, with lucky Jupiter re-entering this area of your chart on Dec. 20, the cosmos will present you with a newfound perspective or inspiring belief system that’ll support you in your future endeavors. The challenge, however, could potentially stem from the sun’s square to Jupiter on Dec. 21, as it will debut in Capricorn and your 12th house of privacy, inhibitions, and unconscious patterns. This new chapter of your life will challenge you to be honest with yourself and the people around you, whether or not it sits well with others. On another note, you could be coming to terms with a part of yourself you’re having to leave behind. Deep down, you know it’s time. The new moon in Capricorn on Dec. 23 is the perfect opportunity to surrender and make peace with the past.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Weekly Horoscope For Dec. 18, 2022

Take a walk on the wild side, Pisces. The moon will ingress into Scorpio on Dec. 18, bringing emotional emphasis and intuitive clarity to your expansive ninth house of adventure, wisdom, and self-discovery. You’re reveling in your spiritual curiosities and feeling the call to explore new heights. The following day, the moon will harmonize with Venus via your 11th house of community affairs, which could be quite illuminating when it comes to your aspirations, future goals, and sense of belonging in the world. Is there a fear stopping you from venturing into the unknown? Venus’s square to the wounded healer, Chiron – via your second house of financial stability and value systems – could bring past insecurities and wounds to the surface, but only for the sake of your healing journey.

Just in time for lucky Jupiter’s ingress into Aries on Dec. 20, you’ll have the support and blessings of the Greater Benefic from now until May 2023, mainly when it comes to matters of finances and self-esteem. The following day, upon the sun’s debut in Capricorn – and your 11th house of friends, future visions, and individual freedom – it will go head to head with Jupiter in a challenging yet beneficial square. You could be presented with an exciting opportunity and yet second-guess yourself all at the same time. Instead of staying stuck in the past, consider this a green light from the universe. The moon will renew itself the following day, bringing fertility and momentum to your 11th house of long-term goals. Set your intentions, and go for it.

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