Frank Pavone: Praying for America | The Democrats are Cowards


Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, prays daily for America. On Friday, he shared a powerful message about America and how cowardly Democrats are.

We will make America great again. Friends, welcome. Pro-life Leader Frank Pavone here, Director of Priests for Life, one of the nation’s largest pro-life groups. Thank you for coming to Praying for America. That’s what we’re going to do here. We have a lot to pray about. We know how to make our country great again. We know how to win elections. We’ve got to work on this harder than ever before. I’m going to give you a little bit of an insight into some of the developments on some of the issues that have some people scared, but we really shouldn’t be afraid at all. We’ve got to take new courage and move forward in this battle. So just a few reflections on some of the the cultural issues involved in this election. I want to go to, as we always do, to the word of God to start our program off tonight. Matthew 10, starting with verse 26. Jesus says, So have no fear of them, for nothing is covered that will not be revealed or hidden that will not be made known. What I tell you in the dark, say in the light. And what you hear whispered, proclaim on the rooftops.

Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your father. But even the hairs on your head are all numbered. Fear not then. You are worth more than many sparrows. Everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies me before men, I will also deny before my Father who is in heaven. Let us pray. Lord, we acknowledge tonight that making America great again requires speaking up. Saving our nation and praying for America requires speaking for America and speaking up for the gospel values on which America has been based from its founding. Lord, give us your spirit of courage, the spirit who gives speech to our lips. As we recall his coming at Pentecost, Lord God, we remember that he came as tongues of fire, tongues imparting passionate speech to those men who until then were afraid. Passionate speech that enabled people to hear the good news in their own languages.

Passionate speech that has continued for over 2000 years of the proclamation of the gospel. Bless us, Father, that the praying that we do for America may always translate into speaking for America with the courage and with the confidence that you ask us to have in your word and in your message. We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen. Friends, they’re cowards. Those who are on the wrong side of the social issues in this election, in this nation, are essentially cowards. And I want you I want to understand that and let it inspire you with the confidence that we should have. I’m going to start here by referring to a post that Charlie Kirk put up recently. We just had this ridiculous scenario at Easter time with Biden proclaiming it as the day of transgender visibility. Now, is this not just a confirmation of everything that we’ve been saying that the Democrat Party hates our values and that this election is, as more and more citizens have been saying, clearly just good versus evil. It transcends all other divisions that we have, and therefore it demands a spiritual response.


This is a presidential election year. Far more people come out to vote in a presidential election year. We are redder and redder here in Florida. We’ve been breaking all kinds of records in terms of the numbers of Republicans registered and the margin of advantage that we have over Democrats. And there’s another element in this presidential election year, of course, which is that President Trump is on the ballot, and that will bring out a lot of unlikely Voters. We do a lot of polling based on likely voters. You got to look at the unlikely voters. He brings out a lot of unlikely voters. And by and large, I’m not saying that this is the case 100%. It’s not 100%. But by and large, these people are going to be on the right side of these social and cultural issues. We’ve got a lot of work to do to educate people as to what these things mean. But what do I mean when I say the other side are cowards? Two things. One of them I’ve explained to you before is that, look, they’re bypassing the legislative process. When you put something into the Constitution, you’re not just setting a policy.

You’re saying all the laws going forward from this point on have to be within these boundaries. And if you say you can’t limit or restrict or delay abortion, then no pro-life laws can be introduced to do anything like that. So why would you stifle the debate? Because they’re cowards. They don’t want to have the debate. That’s what we got to see through here. They’re angry that Roe v Wade was reversed because now the issue is actually thrown back to the American people and their lawmakers to debate. The other side doesn’t want to have a debate on this. And listen, you understand well, this is the same thing with the other issues, too. They don’t want to have an honest debate about what’s going on at the border. They don’t even want to look at the border. The Democrats don’t want to go to the border. They don’t want people to see what’s happening at the border. They don’t want to admit what’s happening at the border. Understand, they’re cowards about that. They’re cowards about all these other issues, and they are the same way on abortion. Don’t think that, Oh, they can’t win by talking about the border, so they’ll win by talking about abortion.

No, no, no, no, no, Just as cowardly about that. They put on a bravada. Oh, yeah, let’s talk about… Let’s bring the abortion issue front and center because we can win on it. Except that they don’t talk about abortion. The strategy, the cowardness is the same, and their modus operandi is the same. It’s just a little twist of difference is that they make a pretense of talking about abortion, but they don’t talk about it. They don’t talk about it. Reproductive rights, reproductive freedom. You look at the speeches. They’re doing this abortion tour. Kamala Harris is going around, Oh, Reproductive Freedom Tour. Given all these speeches, she visited an abortion facility. Biden gives his speeches about reproductive freedom. He mentions it in the State of the Union, mentions that. What is the killing of these babies? He didn’t express it in those terms. Before he mentions the overriding problem of the border, immigration, crime, etc. Their priorities are all screwed up. But they don’t talk about what abortion is. And that’s how we make this a winning issue for us. It’s like, you guys want to describe what you defend? They never describe what they defend.

They’re cowards about it. That’s our strength. That’s their weakness. Women don’t get abortions because of freedom of choice. They get them because they feel they have no freedom and no choice. You want to talk about abortion? Let’s talk about how to help these women choose life. We’re the ones who are serving them. We have four times as many pregnancy centers as the other side has abortion clinics. We’re the ones that are helping these people. And most Americans agree that it’s a good thing when a mother has her baby instead of kills her baby. We’ve got the people with us on that, brothers and sisters. And when a politician comes forward, when a candidate comes forward and says, Look, I’m pro-life, and I want to help moms say yes to the life of their babies. I want to help them. Yes, I admit, of some exceptions, President Trump has been saying that. All the pro-life presidents have said that, and just about every pro-life candidate. That doesn’t mean that they’re saying it’s morally acceptable. They’re saying, I can’t make progress in the political arena without taking account of where the people actually are at, because that’s how politics and public policy making work.

Watch his full message:

You can join Father Pavone’s Praying for America weeknights at 8 pm ET on RSBN.

The post Frank Pavone: Praying for America | The Democrats are Cowards appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

