Hangovers that feel like ‘alcohol poisoning’ could have a surprising cause, scientists discover

LONG Covid could cause terrible hangovers that feel like alcohol poisoning, a study suggests.

Patients with the long-term condition saw their alcohol sensitivity increase, resulting in debilitating symptoms the day after a few drinks, US researchers found.

GettyCheers! Clink glasses. Close-up shots of hands holding beer glasses and beer bubbles.[/caption]

Half of those in the study said their headaches got much worse after drinking the same amount as they would have before having Covid.

Their hangovers became so bad that one patient reported being unable to move.

Another patient, 40, who could previously enjoy seven mixers on a night with no issues said her hangovers quickly became like “alcohol poisoning” after having just one drink.

Ella Eastin, of Stanford University, said: “Prior to her initial Covid infection, she had no issues with alcohol tolerance and could easily tolerate about seven mixed drinks containing hard liquor in one night. 

“After Covid infection, however, she reported feeling like she suffers from ‘alcohol poisoning’ after drinking even small amounts of alcohol and feels ‘terrible’ for several days after consumption. 

“Her tolerance has decreased to the point where one beer would result in a severe ‘hangover’.”

Long Covid affects tens of thousands Brits but remains a largely misunderstood condition.

The mysterious illness occurs months and sometimes years after an infection and can cause deadly complications

The NHS defines long Covid as having symptoms lasting longer than 12 weeks after an infection, after which point most people have normally recovered.

The disease — also known as post-Covid-19 syndrome — can cause symptoms to fluctuate or relapse over time.

Researchers are currently working on improving our understanding of the condition so medics are better able to treat it.

The most common symptoms include extreme tiredness, feeling short of breath, loss of smell and muscle aches.

Other symptoms can vary but include problems with memory and concentration, known as brain fog, and difficulty sleeping.

Chest pain or tightness, heart palpitations, dizziness, pins and needles, joint pain, depression and anxiety and tinnitus are all potential signs of the condition as well.


The latest study, published in Cureus, looked at how the condition affected alcohol tolerance in four long Covid patients.

A 49-year-old woman who also had type 1 diabetes and coeliac disease said her hangovers got so bad she couldn’t move.

Eastin said: “The patient used to consume several drinks per week and drink socially, but reported that she had not consumed alcohol for the last seven months due to decreased tolerance. 

“The patient reported one instance, post-Covid infection, during which she had one glass of wine and had such a bad reaction that she felt she could not move. 

“She described her symptoms as similar to a ‘bad hangover’, with a headache, grogginess, and ‘overwhelming’ fatigue the next day. 

“A week later, a single drink led to similar worsening of her symptoms.”

What are the symptoms of long Covid?

extreme tiredness (fatigue)
feeling short of breath
loss of smell
muscle aches
problems with your memory and concentration (“brain fog”)
chest pain or tightness
difficulty sleeping (insomnia)
heart palpitations
pins and needles
joint pain
depression and anxiety
tinnitus, earaches
feeling sick, diarrhoea, stomach aches, loss of appetite
a high temperature, cough, headaches, sore throat, changes to sense of smell or taste

