Your 2023 Wellness Horoscope Is Here, and It’s Reminding You It’s OK to Do Less

The prospect of kicking off a new year can feel exhilarating. It can also be downright overwhelming. Or both at once. Whether you’ve been working toward a big-picture goal or you’ve just been subliminally affected by the nonstop New Year’s resolution content on TikTok and Instagram, it may feel like the pressure is on as soon as we flip the calendar from December to January. Despite the “start fresh” messaging, though, it can help to remember that Jan. 1, 2023, really is just another month, another week, and one of many opportunities you’ll have all year long to reassess and set yourself up for more happiness and vitality. And the astrology of early 2023 certainly lends itself to doing all of that rather than pushing for immediate results.

The new year begins in the midst of two big retrogrades that require prioritization of inner work and tying up loose ends. Your energy and ambition – particularly related to socializing, learning, and travel – could be lacking, thanks to Mars, the planet of action, moving backward in Gemini until Jan. 12. And Mercury, the planet of communication and technology, will be retrograde in pragmatic Capricorn until Jan. 18, encouraging a reassessment of how you’re putting your nose to the grindstone to make your mark.

You may realize that the time and energy you’ve been putting into your professional hustle aren’t exactly offering a return on your investment – or that taking time to recharge can actually boost your productivity in the long haul. Either way, prioritizing self-reflection right off the bat can set you up to make the most of the new year.

This year includes several other astrological highlights that you can take advantage of in order to bolster your wellness, self-care, and happiness this year. For starters, on March 7, Saturn, the planet of hard work, will enter dreamy Pisces for the first time since 1996, nudging us to commit to – and fact-check – our spiritual practices. Then, a series of game-changing eclipses in fiery Aries and beauty-loving Libra occur on April 20 and Oct. 14, respectively. These could bolster your sense of self and relationships with others. Keep an eye on Jupiter, too. In the first half of the year, the planet of abundance will be moving through go-getter Aries, encouraging a proactive approach to making your own luck. Then, on May 16, the Giant Planet will enter slow, steady, pleasure-seeking Taurus. This shift will lead you to sensual practices (more massage therapy, anyone?) for getting centered and feeling well.

For more specifics about what your 2023 health and wellness horoscope has in store for you, check out the readings for your rising sign first, then your sun sign. For the full picture of your year ahead, be sure to read your zodiac sign’s 2023 horoscope, 2023 love horoscope, 2023 sex horoscope, and 2023 money and career horoscope.

Aries (March 21-April 19) 2023 Wellness Horoscope

As the year gets going, you could feel like it’s tougher than you’d like to gain traction. That’s due to the fact that your ruling planet, go-getter Mars, has been retrograde in your third house of communication since Oct. 30, 2022. Trading notes with friends about your wellness goals and feeling connected is just more challenging overall. It doesn’t help that Mercury will be retrograde in your 10th house of public image, which can also contribute to that feeling of stuckness. Thankfully, Mars moves forward on Jan. 12 and Mercury follows on Jan. 18, after which you can finally begin to build some momentum, particularly when it comes to picking up new skills that boost your fitness and self-care regimen.

On April 20, the first solar eclipse of the year falls in your sign. It’s a big deal, as it’s the first eclipse in your sign since 2015, so set aside plenty of time for self-reflection. You’ll get the sense that major change is on the horizon, especially related to your sense of self and how you’re showing up for yourself as well as in partnerships. If you’re feeling a bit uneasy or off-center at times, take heart that until May 16, fortunate Jupiter will be in your sign, continuing to inspire you to push for more happiness, confidence, and optimism and a more substantial feeling of purpose. You’re positively radiating now!

And really, it can only get better from May 20 to July 10, because your ruler, assertive Mars, will be in your fifth house of pleasure and self-expression, amplifying your desire to have fun in pretty much every area of life. Workouts shouldn’t feel like work, and everyday routines can be more active and social.

The same will be true of the period extending from Nov. 24 through the rest of the year, thanks to Mars’s trip through your ninth house of higher learning and adventure. If you’ve been itching to sign up for a wellness retreat or plan a trip with a dear friend or SO as part of your efforts to step up caring for yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally, aim for the end of this year, and your dream will quickly become your reality.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) 2023 Wellness Horoscope

Though the beginning of a new year tends to feel full of promise and possibility, the start of 2023 will feel sleepier and slower than a lot of people might prefer. You, Taurus, are not one of those people, because you love getting after your goals in an unhurried, steady way. With action-oriented Mars retrograde in your second house of values until Jan. 12 and messenger Mercury retrograde in your ninth house of higher learning until Jan. 18, checking in with your gut and brushing up on your skills can be a particularly productive and mentally centering way to begin this new calendar year.

You’ll also want to take advantage of the fact that Jupiter, the planet of abundance, fortune, and philosophical thinking, is moving through your 12th house of spirituality until May 16, expanding your ability to do inner work that can have you feeling more fired up to go after your long-term goals. You’ve been honing your intuition and inner voice, and that ability is about to reach a fever pitch before the largest planet in our solar system moves into your sign and first house of self on May 16, where it’ll remain for just over a year. This can be one of the most fortunate transits of all, supporting you in your aspirations to put yourself out there in the world in a whole new way. You could feel not only more ambitious and exuberant but even more seen, heard, and appreciated from this May through Taurus season 2024.

From July 22 to Sept. 3, Venus, your ruling planet, will be retrograde in your fourth house of home life, which could make connecting with loved ones more challenging and potentially dredge up old wounds or patterns that require dedication to healing now. As doing this relational work could prove fairly draining, you’ll want to be sure to carve out extra time for yourself to rest and recharge through this period. And after being put through the wringer with various eclipses in your sign and your seventh house of partnership since late 2021, you’ll finally meet the end of the road of this particular narrative in your life around Oct. 28, when this eclipse series ends with a lunar eclipse and full moon in your first house of self. You’re not the same as you were before, nor do you wish to be, and you’re ready to celebrate your personal growth in a powerful way.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) 2023 Wellness Horoscope

As much as you know it might benefit you from time to time, you’re not exactly a fan of slowing down and chilling out, which is why the hibernation-spurring vibes of winter run a bit counter to your nature in general. And the astrology of the beginning of 2023 only serves to exacerbate that conflict, because Mars, the planet of action and energy, will be retrograde in your sign and first house of self until Jan. 12, and your ruler, messenger Mercury, will be retrograde in your eighth house of emotional bonds until Jan. 18. In other words, even if you’re prepared to set ambitious New Year’s resolutions, you’ll find you can’t help but run into various obstacles and feel like you’re running through mud until mid-January at the earliest.

The good news is that once both planets go direct, you’ll be better supported in your desire to gain traction. Around April 20, a solar eclipse and new moon fall in your 11th house of networking and long-term wishes, which could inspire you to connect with a new group of friends or teammates who can support your fitness goals or aspirations to care for your mind and spirit differently. Though you’re generally open to change, a willingness to move in a completely new direction serves you particularly well now – and whatever you start could lead to a rewarding culmination point around the second eclipse in this series, which falls in your fifth house of pleasure and self-expression on Oct. 14. Your creativity could soar, and you’ll feel even more at peace with how you’re able to express your needs.

One time it may be especially important to prioritize self-care and self-reflection is during the Mercury retrograde periods of the year: April 21 to May 14, which hits your 12th house of spirituality; Aug. 23 to Sept. 15, which affects your fourth house of home life; and Dec. 13 to Jan. 1 in your eighth house of emotional bonds and seventh house of partnership. If you plan for them, you’ll find there’s actually plenty of magic and momentum to be found in these chill-out periods.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) 2023 Wellness Horoscope

The beginning of 2023 kicks off with a full moon in your sign almost immediately on Jan. 6. In the days around this lunation, you’ll feel more sensitive and perhaps immersed in heavy-duty talks with a loved one, because your seventh house of partnership is activated by the sun’s time there. At the same time, you’ll likely be in the midst of going back to the drawing board to ensure that one-on-one aspirations – whether that’s sticking to a healthy habit alongside a dear friend or making sure to set wellness-boosting boundaries with an energy-sucking relative – are on track, thanks to messenger Mercury moving backward through your seventh house of partnership until Jan. 18. This can be a fruitful moment for leaning on a loved one, dear friend, or significant other to talk through how you’ve been caring for yourself – mentally, emotionally, and physically – and what you aspire to do differently in the year ahead.

At the same time, action-oriented Mars, which oversees how we take action and can influence our energy, continues to move backward through your 12th house of spirituality since going retrograde there on Oct. 30. The 12th house is a pretty sleepy zone, and you’ve been challenged lately to contend with deep-rooted psychological wounds that might spur anger and resentment. If you’ve been prioritizing healing, you’ll begin to enjoy a sense of relief and gratitude for lessons you’ve learned over the last several months once Mars moves forward on Jan. 12.

On May 16, lucky Jupiter moves into your 11th house of networking and long-term wishes for just over a year, which could breathe new life into group fitness efforts or making friends and clicking with colleagues who really get your wellness goals, which can feel truly validating. You can look forward to nurturing an elevated sense of community and connectedness this year, which only serves to bolster your well-being. And the first two in a new series of eclipses in your fourth house of home life and 10th house of career occur on April 20 and Oct. 14, urging you to embrace concrete changes that will result in greater work-life balance. Switching up your approach to both areas of life will be challenging, to be sure, but it can only serve to boost your overall happiness.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) 2023 Wellness Horoscope

There’s nothing like the fresh start that comes with the kickoff of a whole new calendar year, and as such an innately optimistic sign, you’re all about making the most of a blank slate, Leo. But with Mars, the planet of action and energy, moving backward through your 11th house of networking and long-term wishes since Oct. 30, 2022, and until Jan. 12, projects involving others and plans with friends could be held up. Additionally, Mercury, the planet of communication, retrogrades in your sixth house of health and daily routine until Jan. 18, making it tougher to stick to your fitness plan and tackle your everyday hustle with the fiery verve that you usually do.

In other words, the first few weeks of the year really lend themselves to taking a step back and reassessing how you want to be exerting your energy in the coming months. It might not sound like the most exciting or dramatic use of your time, sure – but it’ll set you up for the results you want.

Around April 20, when the solar eclipse and new moon strike in your ninth house of adventure and higher learning, you’ll have a sweet opportunity to spread your wings and try something completely out of the ordinary. Think: going on an eye-opening, long-distance trip that’s focused on elevating your mental, physical, and spiritual wellness. By Oct. 14, when the second eclipse in this series strikes in your third house of communication and learning, you could be even more eager to pick up new skills and forge intellectually stimulating and emotionally centering platonic bonds.

Meanwhile, lucky Jupiter will enter your 10th house of public image on May 16, where it remains for a little over a year, so the spotlight will certainly be on you in a thrilling way. Because your external life will be so vividly magnified, you’ll want to make sure you’re taking plenty of time to schedule those self-care breaks that offer you restful solo time and get you back in tune with your sense of self and inner life.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) 2023 Wellness Horoscope

You tend to find inner calm by making to-do lists and checking each action item off in a thoughtful way, but the beginning of 2023 doesn’t quite lend itself to that habit. Blame the Mars retrograde in your 10th house of public image, which began on Oct. 30 and will continue until Jan. 12. The go-getter planet’s backward movement may have you feeling preoccupied about receiving recognition for recent hard work.

As if that wasn’t enough, your ruling planet, messenger Mercury, is moving backward through your fifth house of romance and self-expression until Jan. 18. This will pull your attention toward trying to tie up loose ends on a creative project. It can also make you more easily distracted by pleasurable activities. Enter: frustration that you’re not on track. So in the first few weeks of the year, do your best to dismiss the idea that you even have to be “on track.” This moment was made for prioritizing self-reflection and self-care versus pushing forward.

There’s plenty of productivity and progress to come: by late winter, around March 7, the full moon falls in your sign, and you’ll be in your feelings and even more aware of how you can best fulfill your desires in order to experience well-deserved self-growth. On the same day, Saturn, the taskmaster planet, enters your seventh house of partnership, where it’ll remain for a little more than two years. This will bolster the foundations of your one-on-one relationships and allow you to better understand yourself in the process. You’ll be meditating a lot on what brings you happiness and how showing up for others and fostering reciprocity benefits your bonds. All of this can lead to less stress and greater emotional peace.

This year also marks a move for Jupiter, the great benefic and planet of fortune and expansion. It will slide into your ninth house of adventure and higher learning, which cranks up your curiosity and desire to get out of your comfort zone and enjoy experiences that are out of the norm. This could be the year you finally take that healthy-cooking seminar abroad or sign up for that yoga-teacher training so you can support others and yourself – not only physically but spiritually, too.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) 2023 Wellness Horoscope

Welcome to a game-changing year, the likes of which you haven’t seen since 2015, Libra. It starts out a bit less active than you might like, due to two retrogrades: of Mars, which oversees action and energy, in your ninth house of adventure and higher learning (until Jan. 12); and of Mercury, the planet of communication, in your fourth house of home life (until Jan. 18). As a result, contending with wounds from your past might very much be your focus as 2023 begins. And though that might sound like the opposite of a fresh start, leaning into any opportunities to do challenging emotional work now actually allows you to move forward feeling more centered and zeroed in on what you want to achieve – mentally, spiritually, and even physically – in the year ahead.

Around April 20, the first eclipse of the year falls in your seventh house of partnership, which delivers eye-opening shake-ups to your one-on-one relationships. And that can’t help but spotlight your relationship with yourself, too. That’s a theme for you this year: any shifts happening now can amplify your self-awareness. Try to apply whatever you learn to the second eclipse of this series that happens in your sign, on Oct. 14. You could be on the precipice of completely overhauling your big-picture goals and personal brand in a way that feels even truer to who you are. Yes, that can be incredibly intimidating – but also truly gratifying.

Your connections with friends and colleagues also come into major focus when your ruling planet Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and values, moves backward from July 22 to Sept. 3. The backspin occurs in your 11th house of networking, providing you with a slowdown period that you can use to reflect on and reassess which platonic bonds are in line with your values. The movement is also a time to consider how to add meaning and fulfillment to your life and support your best self-improvement efforts and healthy habits. As tough as it may be, it could be time to move on from toxic relationships that are preventing you from feeling your best.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) 2023 Wellness Horoscope

As the new year kicks off, Scorpio, you’ll be experiencing the tail end of one of your coruler Mars’s months-long retrogrades. The go-getter planet has been moving backward in your eighth house of emotional bonds, transformation, and joint resources since Oct. 30, and it goes direct on Jan. 12. You’ve likely been doing some soul searching around your most intimate bonds, which can be fairly exhausting, so it may be wise to schedule in some slow, restorative movement (think: yin yoga or tai chi).

At the same time, messenger Mercury is moving backward in your third house of communication until Jan. 18, which can set the stage for misunderstandings with friends and colleagues and technology glitches. In short, waiting until mid-to-late January to hit the gas on your greatest aspirations can save you a headache and preempt unnecessary stress.

The Feb. 20 new moon in your fifth house of pleasure and self-expression marks a sweet moment in which you can zero in on an intention that makes your heart happy and surround yourself with people who encourage you to pursue your dreams. This will have you feeling supported and inspired to trust your imagination. And the sun’s trip through your sixth house of daily routine and wellness from March 20 to April 20 shores up your desire to commit to healthy new habits that holistically benefit your well-being. You could find that even a quick morning yoga routine or evening walk lifts your spirits and boosts your energy in a noticeable way.

The final eclipse in a series that’s been in play since 2021 hits your sign on May 5, and you could find you’re at the end of a long road of self-exploration. You might look back at how far you’ve come in terms of knowing and standing up for your dreams and desires – and if that sets off a surge of pride, own it. By the year’s last eclipse in your seventh house of partnership on Oct. 28, you’ll be more self-assured and showing up even more fully in your relationship with yourself and others.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) 2023 Wellness Horoscope

As we step into a whole new year, brimming with opportunities for adventures to satiate your nonstop, fiery wanderlust, you could actually be feeling a little bit burned out and in need of extra self-care, Sag. Go-getter Mars has been retrograde in your seventh house of partnership since Oct. 30, 2022, and messenger Mercury has been retrograde in your second house of income since Dec. 29, 2022. So whether you’ve been consumed by healing your bonds with friends, relatives, or an SO or reassessing your moneymaking game plan, early January can feel downright heavy. Thankfully, Mars goes direct on Jan. 12, and Mercury follows on Jan. 18, which offers plenty of relief and allows you to get fired up about bold action steps you want to take in the year ahead.

You’ll want to take advantage of the fact that buoyant, big-picture-focused Jupiter, your ruling planet, will be in your fifth house of self-expression until May 16, amplifying your ability to infuse your daily to-dos and wellness routine with more fun and pleasure. And from May 16 until late May 2024, the giant planet will travel through your sixth house of health and daily routine, magnifying your focus on everyday healthy habits that can elevate your vitality. You’ll crave more balance and organization, both of which can have you feeling amazing. That said, the danger of Jupiter is that it can encourage you to bite off more than you can chew. Watch out for signing up for one too many fitness studio memberships or offering to be your BFF’s workout buddy when you realistically can’t commit.

Speaking of friends, around Oct. 14, the new moon and solar eclipse fall in your 11th house of networking, which could have you thinking about your platonic relationships in a new way. Support from a group of friends or serving as part of a team effort could be exactly what you need to cross the finish line on a goal that will amplify your vitality.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) 2023 Wellness Horoscope

The new year begins in the middle of your season, Cap, which can often feel quite enlivening. After all, the confidence- and vitality-boosting sun is in your first house of self, kicking your self-assuredness up a notch, and everyone around you is generally aspiring to be even slightly as industrious as you, setting New Year’s resolutions left and right.

But you have a leg up – not only because you’re so darn driven but also because you’re all about slow, steady, calculated, long-term movement toward achievement and recognition for your efforts. And that MO serves you well until mid-January. Why? Go-getter Mars remains retrograde in your sixth house of wellness and daily routine until Jan. 12, and messenger Mercury retrogrades in your sign until Jan. 18. When it comes to caring for your physical and mental well-being this year, these backward spins are asking you to look to the past before plowing ahead.

Then, around April 20, the first eclipse of the year – and the first of a whole new series of eclipses that will last until 2025 – falls in your fourth house of home life, which could spur major changes that could be actually quite literal (maybe you’ll be relocating) or more figurative, such as self-work related to your inner life. Either way, it presents an opportunity to tune into and trust your inner voice, hone your intuition, and heal emotional wounds that were inflicted in your early life.

On May 16, Jupiter, the planet of fortune and abundance, kicks off its more-than-a-year-long trip through your fifth house of self-expression and creativity. Your default mode is to put your nose to the grindstone and work so hard that you sometimes forget just how short life is. But with Jupiter in this sector, you’ll find it’s easier to let go of deadlines and rigorous workout regimens from time to time to be more spontaneous and make time for play, celebration, fun, and rest. Since Jupiter will be in a fellow earth sign, its energy is in tune with your perspective, which can feel truly grounding. By the end of the year, when the confident sun slips into your 12th house of spirituality on Nov. 22, you’ll be even more in tune with your inner knowing.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) 2023 Wellness Horoscope

Being so forward thinking and rational, you likely see the start of the year as a prime time to hit the ground running, Aquarius. But for the first few weeks of the year, you may feel like you’re slogging through mud. Mars, the planet of energy, is retrograde in your fifth house of self-expression until Jan. 12. And messenger Mercury is retrograde in your 12th house of spirituality until Jan. 18. In both cases, your action, thinking, and communication could be a bit more sluggish than usual, and it’ll be more challenging to get results out of your typically hard work – whether it’s related to a creative project that benefits your mental and emotional well-being or a meditation practice you’ve been intent on sticking to.

By mid-to-late January, though, just in time for your season, you can build traction once more. Your annual new moon falls on Jan. 21, so get clear on an ambitious intention, then plant seeds that you’ll begin to see flourishing around the time of your full moon on Aug. 1. In the meantime, powerful, slow-moving Pluto will dip into your sign from March 23 to June 11, kicking off a whole new era of transformation that can serve to bolster your self-image.

On May 16, Jupiter, the planet of fortune and abundance, begins its more-than-a-year-long stay in your fourth house of home life, which can lead to an even more harmonious, supportive domestic vibe. Maybe you’ll move into a bigger space, in with an SO, or to a new city. Either way, this transit can present a sweet opportunity to create a space that really serves your wellness goals. Find the perfect spot for your Spin bike, try a workout mirror, invest in some quality hand weights, or maybe just create a tranquil meditation or yoga corner that inspires you to stick to a restorative practice. By Libra season, which activates your ninth house of adventure and higher learning from Sept. 22 to Oct. 23, you’ll want to plan a horizon-broadening trip or consider honing your skill set by taking your education to the next level.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) 2023 Wellness Horoscope

This year begins with not one but two planets moving backward and urging you to go inward versus push ahead right off the bat. Mars, the planet of action, went retrograde on Oct. 30, 2022, and will still be moving backward in your fourth house of home life until Jan. 12. And Mercury, the planet of communication, which kicks off its backspin in your 11th house of networking on Dec. 29, 2022, will be retrograde until Jan. 18. All in all, this can translate to quite a bit of meditation on your relationships and long-term wishes. Though this might sound a bit more like homework than anything else, it can actually offer you quite a bit of clarity on who you want to connect with and which bonds may have outlived their usefulness.

Once both planets move forward, you can begin to take steps toward achieving your aspirations for the year. Expansive Jupiter’s trip through your third house of communication from May 16 until May 2024 could elevate your curiosity and inspire you to pick up new skills, especially alongside friends, siblings, and neighbors. You might opt to try that kickboxing class you’ve had on your bucket list or brush up on your swimming skills so you can finally take that surfing lesson you’ve been musing about. Tapping into your inner adventurer is pretty much a must, as you can easily turn a daydream into an enthralling, memorable experience – and possibly even an ongoing mind-body wellness routine.

Leo season and the confident sun’s trip through your sixth house of health from July 22 to Aug. 23 is another beautiful opportunity to pursue exciting new routines that support your mental and physical well-being. And from Oct. 23 to Nov. 22, the sun’s trip through your ninth house of adventure challenges – and empowers – you to get out of your comfort zone by exploring uncharted terrain. Trust your intuition to gravitate to mentors and experts whose philosophies resonate with your long-term vision for mental and physical wellness.

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