Five ways to combat interrupted sleep as 75% of women plagued on their period

THREE quarters of women experience an interrupted night’s sleep when they’re on their period, research has found.

A poll of 1,000 women found 53 per cent get anxious at night-time when on their period and will do whatever they can for a peaceful night’s sleep.

YouTubeSilentnight’s in-house sleep expert Hannah Shore (right) has shared tips for getting a better night’s sleep while on your period[/caption]

It also emerged that of those having an interrupted night, they’re waking up to five times, spending up to 30 minutes awake on each occasion (71 per cent).

Sleeping in the foetal position and wearing extra layers of clothing are among the things women do to try and improve their sleep.

When asked what’s causing these “period wakeups”, 38 per cent said it’s because they’re worried about leaks, getting up to change their protection (30 per cent) or general discomfort when lying down (25 per cent).

Four in 10 (41 per cent) said getting a good night’s sleep is more important to them when on their period than any other time of their menstrual cycle, and 85 per cent admit to trying “period hacks” to avoid leaks and get a better night’s sleep.

These include wearing multiple pads (22 per cent) and even sleeping on towels (20 per cent).

The research was commissioned by Always, which has joined forces with Silentnight’s in-house sleep expert Hannah Shore to give advice on how to get a better night’s sleep while on your period.

She said: “Not getting enough sleep can have a profound effect not just emotionally, but physically too.

“The less sleep we get, the more our pain tolerance decreases, meaning the worse our sleep gets and the worse our cramps are likely to get.

“That’s why I wanted to empower women to reclaim a night of uninterrupted sleep and share my top tips to help.”

The impact of a bad night’s sleep is also felt the next day with 68 per cent admitting they feel more irritable and 51 per cent unable to concentrate.

And 47 per cent said it takes them between a few days and a week to catch up on sleep following their period.

Half of those surveyed (50 per cent) also feel there isn’t enough awareness about the impact menstruation has on their sleep quality.

Sleep is so important, but even more so during your period when your body needs the rest

Farah AzmyAlways UK

Farah Azmy, from Always UK, which has launched its Ultra Size 6 night pads, designed to help prevent leaks at night, added: “We’ve all experienced period leaks during restless nights and had to deal with the period hangover the next morning.

“Sleep is so important, but even more so during your period when your body needs the rest.

“It’s become evident that there is a growing need for a solution, to help relieve over-night worries instead of managing with complex and uncomfortable period hacks.”


1. Regulate your temperature

Our bodies run hot during our periods, and when we are asleep our core body temperature needs to drop a couple of degrees to get access to the good quality sleep we need.

Avoid hot showers/baths (warm is ok and can be relaxing) or exercise before bed and wear light, cool pyjamas.

If you struggle with overheating throughout the night regularly try avoiding things like memory foam mattresses, as these can hold onto heat and make you hotter.

A cold damp flannel or cold glass of water can help on particularly bad nights.

2. Establish a sleep routine

Routine is key when it comes to sleep.

We should be going to sleep and waking up every day at the same time, even on weekends.

This means our bodies will be used to producing the right hormones at the right time of day (sleep hormones such as melatonin in the evening and wake promoting hormones such as cortisol for the day).

Producing the right hormones at the right time means we will fall asleep easier and wake up easier, leaving us feeling more refreshed.

3. Light

Light is important when it comes to sleep; we sleep when its dark for a reason.

Light is our main external cue that regulates our sleep/wake hormone production.

Bright morning light supresses the sleep hormones leaving you feeling more awake.

Dull, darker evening light prompts the body to produce sleep hormones such as melatonin which will help you drift off to sleep easier.

4. Keep pain relief to hand

Getting up to seek out pain relief (turning on the lights to do so) will disturb your sleep cycle and make you feel more awake.

Keep pain relief next to your bed or in an easily accessible place.

If you experience very painful periods, it is recommended that you speak to your GP.

5. Find a period product that works for you

Sleeping on towels or using multiple period products can increase body temperature and add to your discomfort.

Having a period product that works for you / you feel confident in will not only make you feel more comfortable but also reduce stress and worry.

Stress and worry are sleeps worst enemy; they produce wake promoting hormones, which when they are in the system, will cause us to struggle to get to and stay asleep.

