Three more Strep A deaths as total hits 19 – and cases of scarlet fever soar

THREE more children have died from deadly Strep A in Northern Ireland and Wales – taking the tragic UK total to 19.

New data from the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) shows 16 children under 18 have died of strep A in England since September.

AlamyThree more Strep A deaths have been recorded in the UK bringing new total to 19[/caption]

The map above shows the areas where Strep A deaths have occurred in the UK

Cases of scarlet fever – caused by the Strep A infection – continue to soar in England.

A total of 7,750 cases of the bug have been recorded since this September.

This compares to just 2,538 at the same point last year.

However, it is understood that health officials do not believe the number of scarlet fever infections has yet peaked, suggesting more deaths are likely.

While the vast majority of infections are relatively mild, sometimes the bacteria cause a life-threatening illness called invasive Group A Streptococcal (iGAS) disease.

UKHSA has said there is no current evidence that a new strain is circulating and the rise in cases is most likely due to high amounts of circulating bacteria and increased social mixing.

In Wales, a spokesman for Public Health Wales said: “Public Health Wales has confirmed it is investigating the deaths of two children as possible iGAS cases.

“Due to the risk of identification, Public Health Wales will not confirm numbers of deaths lower than five.”

However the families of seven-year-old Hanna Roap from Penarth, South Wales, and a child from Powys who has not been named, have confirmed the cause of death of both children was iGAS.

Pharmacists say supplies of Strep A antibiotics are going from bad to worse due to a demand surge, sparking fears children will die.

Meanwhile, parents are flooding NHS 111 phone lines in a panic about the Strep A outbreak in kids

The increase in concern from Brits comes as nurses up and down the country have today taken to the picket line to strike in a deal over pay.

Viruses like flu, Covid and RSV are continuing to circulate and the data shows that the number of patients with flu in general and the use of acute beds every day last week – is up a third on the week before.

Patients experiencing the most serious illness from flu was also up, with 87 patients in critical care beds – almost 50 per cent higher than the previous week.

Data from the UKHSA previously confirmed that cases of flu were up and have urged those eligible to come forward for their flu jabs.

Parents are also being asked to take up the offer of the flu nasal spray vaccine at school sessions or in community catch-up clinics for their children.

It’s especially important, as the NHS says that viral infections such as the flu, put you at higher risk of Strep A infections.

Guidance states that Strep A infections spread by close contact with an infected person.

They can then be passed on through coughs and sneezes or from a wound.

What are the symptoms of invasive group A Strep?

There are four key signs of Group Strep A to watch out for, according to the NHS. These are:

A fever (meaning a high temperature above 38°C)
Severe muscle aches
Localised muscle tenderness
Redness at the site of a wound

The invasive version of the disease happens when the bacteria break through the body’s immune defences.

This can happen if you’re already feeling unwell or have an immune system that’s weakened.

Group A Streptococcus — Streptococcus pyogenes — is a bacteria that can cause mild illness.

This can include sore throats and skin infections, alongside tonsillitis, cellulitis, and scarlet fever, which is flu-like and tends to occur in children – it can be serious if not treated swiftly with antibiotics.

In rare cases, the bacteria can trigger invasive Group Strep A disease, which can prove life-threatening and even fatal.

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