A Shortlist Of The Best America First Candidates Running For Congress This Year

President Donald J. Trump may be the heart and soul of the MAGA movement, but he will need to be surrounded by a group of warriors in Congress who share his devotion to America First principles.

While President Donald J. Trump is the heart and soul of the MAGA movement, he is going to need to be surrounded by a group of warriors who share his devotion to the principles of America First.

The next Congress is poised to have some of the strongest and most patriotic America First candidates to date.  This can potentially be (if all goes well) a freshman class like no other in modern history, equipping President Trump with the firepower – and much-needed backup – that he mostly lacked in his first term in office to advocate for some of his bolder agenda items in Congress – including mass deportations, America First energy and economic renewal, and returning law and order to towns and cities across the land.

Each one of the following candidates are MAGA firebrands – steadfastly devoted to President Trump and his agenda of securing our borders, ending the weaponization of our justice system, and eliminating election fraud.

None of these patriots would have certified the illegitimate results of the 2020 presidential election if it were up to them.  They all will go beyond what any current member of Congress has done to fight for the release of the January 6th hostages currently being imprisoned by the Biden regime.

They all love President Trump, and readily understand that his cause represents America’s last best hope.  For that reason, they heard the call and feel dutybound to enter the storm – and do whatever it takes to help President Trump come next January in his second administration to give him all the support he needs to Make America Great Again:

J.R. Majewski (OH-09)

Running for: Ohio’s ninth congressional district [current incumbent: Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH)]

Notable Endorsements: Sen. J.D. Vance; Rep. Matt Gaetz; Trump Director of National Intelligence Ric Grenell; Trump Department of Defense Chief of Staff/Deputy Director of National Intelligence Kash Patel; Rep. Byron Donalds; Rep. Andy Biggs; Rep. Mike Collins; Rep. Eli Crane; Rep. Bob Good; Roger Stone; General Michael Flynn

Other Endorsements: Veterans for Trump; Republicans for National Renewal; Oil & Gas Workers Association

For northwestern Ohioans, J.R. Majewski offers them a chance to replace a forty-year Democrat incumbent with a MAGA firebrand.  The former combat veteran has already secured endorsements from many other prominent Trump former administration officials and advisers, including General Michael Flynn and longtime adviser, Roger Stone.  Moreover, Majewski has locked down some of the fiercest MAGA warriors in Congress – including Matt Gaetz, J.D. Vance, and Byron Donalds.

Because of his unflinching support for the 45th President, Majewski’s campaign has not surprisingly received a firestorm of criticism and opposition by DC’s Republican establishment.

The establishment’s preferred candidate in the Ohio primary is a RINO by the name of Craig Riedel, a former state representative who was endorsed by Kevin McCarthy.  Riedel struggles to hide his contempt for President Trump.

In December he was exposed by conservative talk show host, Alan Jacoby, making anti-Trump statements to the potential donor.  On the phone call, Riedel stated, “I don’t like the way [Donald Trump] communicates… I don’t like the way he calls people names” ending the call by admitting, “I like Ron,” referring to the now former presidential candidate.  Also on the call, Riedel stated that he was not looking for a President Trump endorsement and actively did not want one.

Majewski has been targeted by a years-long smear campaign by leftist outlets, such as Media Matters and other far left watchdog groups, that caused the National Republican Congressional Committee to cancel nearly $1 million in advertising promoting Majewski back in 2022, which derailed his previous campaign.

The attacks on Majewski are only further testimony to his rock-solid America First credentials.  He is running in a district that although represented by a Democrat now pushing eighty, would have voted for President Trump in 2020 had it existed in its current configuration prior to recent redistricting.

The people of Ohio deserve much better than their current leadership, both Democrat and Republican, and Majewski’s election to Congress would benefit MAGA patriots nationwide, giving them a trusted voice and proven fighter who will prioritize America First values, over Mitch McConnell and the DC Swamp now bringing this country to ruin.

Derrick Evans (WV-01)

Running for: West Virginia’s first congressional district [current incumbent: Rep. Carol Miller (R-WV)]

Notable Endorsements: General Michael Flynn; Mike Lindell; Laura Loomer

Other Endorsements: Veterans for Trump; Oil & Gas Workers Association

Of all the candidates here, Derrick Evans arguably paid the greatest price for standing up for this country.  Evans was one of thousands of Americans who peacefully demonstrated at the Capitol on January 6th – as a result, he had his liberties stripped away by a Marxist justice system and was forced to serve three months in prison, including over a week of agonizing solitary confinement.

Although he was a political prisoner, indeed hostage, of his own country, Evans chose not to give into despair.  Instead, he took inspiration from his experiences, which nearly drove his family bankrupt, to run for public office.

First, he ran for and won a seat in the West Virginia House of Delegates in 2020 on a platform completely dedicated to President Trump’s agenda and the principles of America First. Owing to his support for the 45th President, Evans was the first Republican to win his district in nearly a century.

He has taken the charge against Carol Miller, the incumbent RINO with deep ties to the globalist ruling class.

In January of 2023, she rolled out the red carpet for a photo-op with Bill Gates and Senator Joe Manchin, saying that it was “wonderful” to meet with arguably the greatest ambassador of the COVID vaccine in America “to discuss energy investments” (read: investments in green energy over tapping into our vast oil reserves) and “best practices to improve our workforce” (read: outsourcing more jobs to China).

Miller voted to force military members to receive the experimental COVID vaccine, putting her in lockstep with Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and Joe Biden.

In addition to befriending globalists like Gates, Miller has supported the policies and practices of far-left groups like BLM and ANTIFA.  She sponsored legislation that would take down statues of Confederate War Generals at the Capitol in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death, and kneeled in solidarity with criminal thugs who ransacked our cities and caused billions of damages to small businesses in cities from coast to coast during the harrowing summer of 2020.

Miller held out endorsing President Trump while Ron DeSantis was still in the race, only finally deciding to give an eleventh-hour endorsement once DeSantis dropped out and, facing the pressure by her pro-Trump constituents, she was forced to relent.

As an insurgent running against the Swamp-backed incumbent, Evans naturally has a steep hill to climb. That said, despite his status as underdog, he is performing remarkably well on the polling and fundraising front.

In October, prior to General Flynn’s endorsement, Evans, who does not have the financial backing of Kevin McCarthy-aligned groups on Capitol Hill, polled within 12 points of the establishment favorite, Miller (44% to 56%).

The race has only narrowed since then: so much so that Evans outraised Miller in the final quarter of 2023 outright, and boasts a much higher number of overall donors, signaling strong support among the grassroots voters that matter.

Meanwhile Miller’s Liberty Score, which grades the consistency with which members of Congress support conservative principles, was ranked a horrendous “D” grade.

She continues to support the disastrous CRs that have bled our country dry of cash, at a time of record setting inflation and economic anxiety, instead repeatedly choosing to place the economic interests of Ukrainians over Americans.

Evans, by sharp contrast, has never wavered in his support for President Trump and America First principles.  To date, he has been the only congressional endorsement by MAGA firebrand, Laura Loomer — which speaks volumes.

He has stood steadfastly with January 6th groups that have advocated for and provided financial and emotional support to families of victims, such as the Patriot Freedom Project, since leaving prison, continuing to make their cause a central priority.  In fact, last August, when President Trump’s mugshot was released, Evans posted it alongside his own mugshot in a display of solidarity with the 45th President, which the President later ReTruthed.

Evans has appeared at the President’s home in Bedminster, New Jersey and related his chilling story to guests in attendance – understanding that America’s fate – and the greater cause of freedom – is inextricably woven with the fate of the 45th President, and whether now working hard to corrupt and weaponize the justice system to put a stop to MAGA will prevail or go down in defeat.  These ultimately are the stakes that have driven Evans to run for Congress and are what inspire him to fight day in and day out for the American people, no matter what.

Anthony Sabatini (FL-11)

Running for: Florida’s eleventh congressional district [current incumbent: Rep. Daniel Webster (R-FL)]

Notable Endorsements: Russ Vought, President Trump’s Director of the Office of Management and Budget

Anthony Sabatini, an America First firebrand with military and legal experience under his belt, had proposed, while still serving as a Florida state legislator to rename U.S. Route 27, a major highway that spans the entire Sunshine State, the “President Donald J. Trump Highway.”

Sabatini was the most outspoken Trump supporter while serving in the Florida House of Representatives, which he did from 2018-2022, and was the only legislator to really hold then-Governor Ron DeSantis’ feet to the fire, pushing him to the right on policies ranging from gun rights to immigration.

Like Evans and Majewski, Sabatini has also challenged a 74-year-old RINO incumbent, Daniel Webster, who has all the financial backing of the DC Swamp.

Despite that fact, Sabatini has polled within single digits of the establishment favorite, 29% to 35%, with 36% of the voters remaining undecided.  Once voters learned more about Webster’s deep ties to the Uniparty, Sabatini handily defeats his challenger: 55% to 18%.

Among his many accolades, Sabatini was the first Republican County chairman in the state of Florida to endorse President Trump.

He has been an unwavering backer of the 45th President’s, stating repeatedly on record that he would not have certified the results of the illegitimate 2020 election, while also calling on Governor DeSantis’ office to permanently cut ties with Biden’s DOJ in the aftermath of the unlawful raid on Mar-a-Lago in August of 2022.

Sabatini has represented J6 defendants as part of his legal practice and continues to be a stalwart advocate for the most vulnerable members of our society – the J6 victims and their families.

He is the most loyal and patriotic Florida legislator, bar none, and would be a terrific addition to the next Congress if he can overtake the geriatric Webster and his friends in the DC Swamp that continue to prop him up.

Brandon Gill (TX-26)

Running for: Texas’ twenty-sixth congressional district [current incumbent: Rep. Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (Retiring) (R-TX)]

Notable Endorsements: President Donald J. Trump; Senator Ted Cruz; Rep. Jim Jordan; Rep. Ronny Jackson; Rep. Anna Paulina Luna; Rep. Cory Mills; Rep. Troy Nehls; Rep. Lauren Boebert; Rep. Lance Gooden; Rep. Warren Davidson

Other Endorsements: House Freedom Fund (Freedom Caucus PAC); Club for Growth

Brandon Gill is likely now the frontrunner in this northeastern Texas race, which became hotly contested after incumbent Dr. Michael Burgess, who has occupied the seat for two decades, recently announced his retirement.

Gill, the son-in-law of MAGA filmmaker, Dinesh D’Souza, is an America First firebrand in his own right: he has made immigration a top priority of his campaign, witnessing the devastating effects of Biden’s open border policies on the Lone Star State firsthand, recently pledging to “deport every single illegal alien that Joe Biden brought into this country” on the campaign trail, while committing to be a loyal fighter on behalf of the 45th President and his supporters.

Gill intimately understands the fatal consequences of Biden’s weaponized justice system has wrought on this country, serving as Executive Producer of D’Souza’s latest film, Police State, that highlighted the stories of those persecuted by our weaponized justice system, including J6 victims like Joseph Bolanos, who is now suing the FBI for violating his rights, as well as other groups whose rights have been stampeded by an increasingly tyrannical government.

Gill’s early endorsement by President Trump is testimony to the strength of his campaign, his unflinching devotion to America First principles, and how broadly his message has resonated with voters in his district.

Gill, who recently became a father, readily understands the importance of fighting for this country – now on the brink, which may not last another generation unless patriots steadfastly committed to MAGA enter Congress and stand up for the principles that made this country great in the past.

Whether by supporting the President’s “law and order” policies that will empower law enforcement and decimate the drug cartels, or by being a vocal proponent of “drill baby drill” and other policies that will rebuild America’s economy and make us competitive once again on the world stage, Gill has pledged to always have the 45th President’s back.

This is why his addition to Congress will benefit not just Texas, but all Americans who still believe in this country, the rule of law, and the bedrock values that are essential to preserving our freedom for generations to come.

The post A Shortlist Of The Best America First Candidates Running For Congress This Year appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

