Coastal Spanish holiday town has rare Gaudi attraction and beautiful sandy beach

BARCELONA is famous for, among many things, the architecture of designer and artist Antoni Gaudi.

However, there’s a quaint town with cobbled streets where his quirky work can be seen away from the tourists of the big Spanish city.

ShutterstockGaudi created the El Capricho villa in the town of Comillas[/caption]

ShutterstockGaudi also worked on Sobrellano Palace along with Joan Martorell[/caption]

AlamyThe town is near to the Altamira Caves, which have paintings that are 36,000 years old[/caption]

In addition to his work in the Catalan capital, Gaudi left his mark on a small town called Comillas – which has been described as “one of the most beautiful” towns in the Cantabria region.

Its buildings are near the top of the list of its highlights, with a former tobacco farmer believed to be responsible.

Lonely Planet explained: “Comillas is set across hilltops crowned by some of the most original and beautiful buildings in Cantabria.

“For these, the town is indebted to the first Marqués de Comillas, who made a fortune in Cuba as a tobacco planter and then returned to commission leading Catalan Modernista architects to jazz up his hometown in the late 19th century.

“This, in turn, prompted the construction of other quirky mansions in Comillas.”

Of the buildings, Gaudi’s El Capricho is one of the most famous, with a tower attached to the villa decorated in typical ornate Gaudi style, with small ceramic tiles covering the outside, alternating between bright yellows and subtle greens.

Gaudi also worked on the town’s Sobrellano Palace along with another Catalan architect, Joan Martorell.

The palace features a grand central hall with carved-stone staircases and a reception with an ornate wood-carved fireplace, which Gaudi decorated with dragons.

Elsewhere, it has stained-glass windows, along with vibrant original murals detailing the story of the palace’s owner, Marqués de Comillas.

Most of Gaudi’s work is nearer Barcelona, making their location unusual.

Comillas is far from just a town full of fancy buildings, however, with a shoreline and quaint town centre also on the highlights.

Turismo Comillas explained: “Its beautiful beach is also a major attraction, bringing thousands of tourists to the town every summer.”

The beach is regarded as being “excellent for swimming, sailing, and windsurfing” according to one TripAdvisor review.

It offers outstanding dunes and is surrounded by the Oyambre Natural Park, providing some extra beauty for visitors.

Spain.Info described the town centre as having “cobbled streets and squares with ancestral houses, towers and Modernist style buildings” labelling it “wonderful”.

Outside of the town, one of the world’s most historic sites can be found – the Altamira caves.

They’re known for their prehistoric cave art, including charcoal drawings and paintings of animals and human hands.

The earliest paintings are said to have been done during the Upper Paleolithic era, around 36,000 years ago. The caves were discovered in 1868 by Modesto Cubillas.

Elsewhere, Spain This Way recommends visiting the nearby town of Santillana del Mar and the village of Barcena-Mayor which they say is the most beautiful village in the country.

Meanwhile, this “must-visit” Spanish town is away from crowds and used to film Game of Thrones.

And this unsung Spanish holiday hotspot has quiet beaches and few tourists.

ShutterstockVisitors have also praised the beach in Comillas as well as the town[/caption]

