Mary McCord: Deep-State She-Devil? 

Bob Bishop wrote this great piece and asked me to help him get the word out. Beware Mary McCord!

Many of the actors of the shadow government are well publicized, such as FBI’s James Comey, Robert Mueller, and Peter Strzok. However, one of the most calculating and devious is Mary McCord, who flies under the public’s radar screen. Mary McCord’s resume has deep state bonafide, and she uses it to influence and manipulate policy decision-making and to conduct slander campaigns against citizens at large who criticize the Federal government’s assault on personal freedoms.

Notably, she was appointed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to the U.S. House of Representatives Task Force 1-6 Capitol Security Review following the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot. She is also a member of the far-left National Task Force on Election Crises, which aims to address “systemic vulnerabilities in our election systems.” In other words, to assail election deniers and President Trump. It is a pseudo-organization, a donor advisory unit of the radical United to Protect Democracy 501(c)(4) nonprofit.

McCord is a frequent political commentator using the J6 protests to promote the bogus narrative of “right-wing extremism” and the need for a new terrorism statute for a pre-crime unit, which focuses primarily on perceived white domestic extremism. The program would identify individuals at risk of radicalizing to commit violence and would use crisis intervention. This sounds like the plot in Steven Spielberg’s futuristic “Minority Report” film.

FISA Court

McCord, the 2016 head of the DOJ’s national security division, reviewed the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) surveillance warrants targeting Carter Page, a former Trump campaign advisor. The application was based on the fraudulent claims of British ex-spy Christopher Steele’s Democratic-funded dossier. Later, the DOJ acknowledged in declassified documents the warrants lacked rigorous standards for probable cause due to multiple inaccuracies and omissions.

The Supreme Court declined to review Carter Page’s defamation lawsuit against the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the infamous Perkins Coie law firm.

Supreme Chief Justice Roberts appoints the star-chamber judges to the FISA court. Roberts’ special assistant to the council was Mary McCord’s husband, Sheldon Snook, from 2014 – 2020. Things that make you go Hmmm…

In 2021, McCord was appointed to the FISA court as amicus curiae, “friend of the court,” to assist the FISA court cases. In light of her connection with Carter Page’s fraudulent FISA warrant, her appointment is to help in rubber stamping warrant applications and further evidence the FISA court has gone rogue.

U.S. Mayor Conference

McCord advises the United States Mayor Conference on strategies to combat hate speech and domestic terrorism, which are theoretical—guiding the Conference to publish “10 Components,” a bottoms-up approach to oppression. These are strategies against the freedom of expression to shame and guilt slander individuals and possibly deny them of their Bill of Rights through local ordinances.

McCord’s recent presentation to the Mayors’ Conference focuses on the hypothetical “hate ecosystem.” She addresses the disruption of school board meetings regarding opposition to Critical Race Theory, spreading disinformation, opposition against racial justice protests, intimation of the LGBT community, extremists running for local office and taking positions as election judges and poll workers, extremists in police departments, and apprehension that a civil war may occur to create a white-ethno state. These are smears against citizens who exercise their Constitutional rights as haters and dissidents.

Predictably, there was no mention of BLM and Antifa or the millions of barbaric military-aged males crossing the open border that will morph into belligerent forces in major cities. The presentation is an assault on the Constitution and Bill of Rights; it is appalling. She’s no Betsy Ross.


Atlantic Council

McCord is a paid nonresident senior fellow with the nonprofit think tank Atlantic Council, funded partly by US and foreign governments. Think of the Atlantic Council as a coven of globalists. McCord uses the Atlantic Council platform to promote her narrative of domestic violence extremism.

Trump Lawfare Spokesperson

McCord appears frequently on the government media circuit, providing analysis and commentary advocating for Trump’s impeachment, civil cases, and the criminal case for mishandling classified documents. She publishes editorial opinion hit pieces in the New York Times and Washington Post. She is also a political analyst for MSNBC.

Resurrection of the Praetorian Guard

In Ancient Rome, the Praetorian Guard served as bodyguards and intelligence agents for Roman emperors. They were involved in Roman politics, overthrew emperors, and appointed their successors. The US alphabet intelligence agencies are the new Praetorian Guard, and card-carrying members like Mary McCord carry out their subversive duties to the detriment of the US Constitution.

Bob Bishop is a retired CPA and a forensic investigator. 


The post Mary McCord: Deep-State She-Devil?  appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

