‘Trust your crazy ideas,’ couple says after driving Nissan EV 21,000 miles from pole to pole in epic adventure

AN ADVENTUROUS couple have told people to “trust your crazy ideas” after they went on an epic adventure travelling between the two poles in an electric car.

The pair of thrillseekers embarked on the mammoth 21,000 mile journey in their remarkably reliable Nissan Ariya EV – making them the first people to ever go between the poles in the eco-friendly motor.

Chris and Julie Ramsey became the first people to take an electric car from pole to pole in a 21,000 mile epic adventureInstagram/poletopoleev

Instagram/poletopoleevThe couple faced challenges on their record breaking journey such as freezing conditions and a lack of EV charging points[/caption]

Chris and Julie Ramsey set off back in March from the 1823 Magnetic North Pole spot in Canada in their hunt for history.

Their journey took them around 10 months and saw them travel past 14 different countries until they reached Antarctica.

They started by navigating into Canada, then heading to the US and into warmer temperatures in South America before heading into the wilderness of the polar regions.

The Ramsey’s called the record breaking drive a “dream come true,” as they arrived at the South Pole on December 15.

After a successful 21,000 miles the pair took to social media to say: “We made it! After a tough and testing final leg of the expedition in Antarctica, we have finally finished.

“We arrived at the geographic and ceremonial South Poles on December 15, 2023.

“We are the first people in history to take an electric car (Nissan Ariya) and go from the 1823 Magnetic Pole to the South Pole in Antarctica.”

Seeing polar bears was a highlight of the pairs trip that saw them being almost completely disconnected from the world for months as they drove through icy conditions.

The couple, from Aberdeen, spent several years preparing themselves for the Pole to Pole expedition and overcoming any potential obstacles they could face along the way.

One of these issues was freezing eyelashes that the pair said was a huge challenge they had to overcome in the bitter wintery conditions.

The couple were able to use electric power charging points on the route to help the EV motor power through.

But for the polar regions where electricity is often nowhere to be seen, a wind turbine and solar device was used to help them harness the wind and the sun to keep the car on the move.

They went on to say: “Six years ago the idea and dream behind this expedition with purpose was born. Many thought it was crazy. Today that dream has come true.

“Trust your crazy idea, we are testament that dreams can come true if you work hard enough and never give up on your dreams.”

The couple said they hope to have inspired and educated people about the truths of electric mobility and debunked “common myths” surrounding electric vehicles (EVs).

They continued: “EVs are capable, they are fun and exciting to drive, they are reliable and resilient and, more importantly, kinder to our planet” and they added: “Never be afraid to push the boundaries.”

To make it between the two poles you need a very high performing motor and Hansjörg von Gemmingen-Hornberg has shared his tips on how to make an EV’s battery last longer.

The man claims to have done a million miles in his Tesla and thinks he’s finally found the ultimate hack to long lasting drives.

In other record breaking news in the car world, the fastest car in the world is set to break the land speed record in an impressive fashion.

The Bloodhound is on track to reach speeds of over 850mph and one day smash past 1,000mph as the founder of the project is on the hunt for a new driver.

Instagram/poletopoleevThe Ramsey’s told others to ‘trust your crazy ideas’ after their successful trip[/caption]

Instagram/poletopoleevThe trip took them 10 months and saw them travel through 14 different countries[/caption]   
