Sharika Soal: NAACP Leader Gets Cancelled After Finding Out It’s Time To Close The Border

Why is it always the people who claim every talking point on the right equates to being an “evil racist” who eventually finds out open borders are indeed bad for America? You have to laugh at the absurdity of fully grown adults struggling to grasp that when our borders are unattended, it means the bad guys get in, not just a few innocent asylum seekers who may be trying to better their lives.

An NAACP leader, Teresa Haley from Illinois, is finding out just that in front of the world after statements she allegedly made on a video recording were released to the public ABC reports.

In a recent Zoom call meeting with NAACP leaders from around the state, Haley answered a question from a participant.

That’s when she began talking about all the migrants coming to Chicago, saying how they are living on the streets, and that Black people have been in similar predicaments for a long time, and no one cares.

“But, these immigrants have come over here, they’ve been raping people, they’ve been breaking into homes. They’re like savages as well. They don’t speak the language, and they look at us like we were crazy,” Haley said.

Is Haley wrong? I don’t see the issue with her statement and see no need for her to resign. This is a liberal-based org at the end of the day, though, so it’s no surprise that anyone with “NAACP” in their title isn’t allowed to say simple truths about anyone who isn’t white.

Especially immigrants, whom our current administration favors over homeless Americans who can’t even get a bed in a hotel due to migrants taking up rooms. It’s intriguing to watch so many liberal black leaders keep finding themselves being thrust into cancel culture for stating the obvious. Mayor Eric Adams was subjected to the cancel culture machine recently, too, when he declared that the current immigration crisis would soon be the end of New York.

ABC’s report goes on to say that Haley’s colleagues had mixed reactions to her alleged comments on immigrants

Gov. JB Pritzker denounced those comments on Tuesday.

“Reprehensible remarks, I would hope that she would apologize for the remarks. I also think that people should recognize that immigrants to this country are all around us,” Pritzker said.

Haley, reached by phone while on vacation in Dubai, denied making the comments, and when confronted about them being on video, suggested it was fake, saying, “with AI, anything is possible.”

Patrick Watson, who, until recently, was president of the DuPage County branch of the NAACP, said he resigned over those comments and other issues with Haley.

“I think she should absolutely resign. I think she’s unfit to be the president, the state president of the NAACP, someone that has that kind of sentiment and that kind of thought against migrant communities,” Watson said.

What a joke! Close the border! How many high school girls have to be murdered by undocumented rapists before it all clicks in America?

The post Sharika Soal: NAACP Leader Gets Cancelled After Finding Out It’s Time To Close The Border appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

