Thousands to get £55 direct payment before Christmas to help cover the cost of energy bills – are you eligible?

THOUSANDS of households will receive a £55 direct payment ahead of Christmas to help cover the cost of energy bills.

The Winter Heating Payment will be a welcome boost for those struggling with the cost of living crisis over the festive period.

PAThousands will receive a £55 direct payment before Christmas to help cover the cost of energy bills[/caption]

The initiative was put in place by the Scottish Government to help tackle poverty and protect people from harm.

It came into affect last year when it replaced the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Cold Weather Payment.

As of mid-December, however, an exact payment of £55.05 will be paid to over 400,000 people on low incomes or benefits throughout Scotland, equating to more than £22million overall.

Payments will be staggered throughout the next few weeks, with the vast majority of clients receive their money by the end of January, according to Social Security Scotland.

The government agency must have received the required client data from the DWP in order to make the payment, however.

Those who are eligible for the payment will have received a letter to let them know – this is not something you apply for.

The WHP is made to households who were receiving certain benefits during what’s known as the “qualifying week” between November 6 to November 12.

If you were receiving any of the below benefits between the above dates, you should qualify:

Universal Credit

Pension Credit

Income Support

Income based Jobseeker’s Allowance

Income Related Employment Support Allowance

Support for Mortgage Interest

You also have to meet one specific requirement of one of the above qualifying benefits.

Once you know you are getting the money, you should look out for an exact code on your bank statement revealing it is the Winter Heating Payment – “WHP”.

For the rest of the UK, there’s a whole host of help on offer for households outside of Scotland.

The Cold Weather Payment is still eligible for people in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

As of November 1, 2023, you are entitled to £25 for each seven day period where temperatures are zero degrees Celsius or below.

This runs until March 31, 2024.

However, you must be on certain benefits, including Pension Credit or Universal Credit, to qualify.

The full list includes:

Pension credit

Income support

Income-based jobseeker’s allowance

Income-related employment and support allowance

Universal Credit

Support for mortgage interest

You may also need to meet one or more of these additional criteria:

Have a disability or be in receipt of pension premium

Have a child who is disabled

Be in receipt of child tax credit that includes a disability or severe disability element

Have a severe or enhanced disability premium

Be in receipt of a limited capability for work amount

Have a child under five living with you

Like Scotland’s Winter Heating Payment, households in England, Northern Ireland and Wales do not need to apply for the Cold Weather Payment.

It is made automatically if you meet the criteria listed above.

Millions of Brits will also soon receive the third instalment of the £900 cost of living payment direct into their bank accounts.

The Department for Work and Pensions has confirmed it will issue the upcoming instalment of £299 between February 6-22 next year.

It will be automatically credited into bank accounts of those who qualify for the tax-free payment.

