I bought EIGHT tubs of Celebrations to see which choc is most common – it was a tie between two that may raise eyebrows

A CHOCOHOLIC bought eight tubs of Celebrations to try to find out which chocolate was the most common, and the result may very well surprise you.

Charlie Murphy, 28, from North Yorkshire, splashed the cash on the tubs, one for each sweet in the selection, which are a Christmas favourite in many households and then started counting them.

Chocolate lover Charlie Murphy bought eight tubs of Celebrations to find out which ones were the most commonNNP

Charlie’s social media posts have become a huge hit onlineNNP

From the tubs Charlie bought, Snickers was the most common chocolateNNP

He shared his findings on his social media platforms, X, formerly Twitter, and TikTok, where he is known as @charliemurphy50.

It’s proved to be a big hit, with the footage on TikTok alone, notching up more than 179,000 views in just a couple of days.

Charlie, who is a full-time carer for his disabled dad, said that he loves Maltesers, Galaxy and Dairy Milk, he doesn’t like being left with the Crème Egg, Snickers and Bounty offerings.

He told MailOnline: “I was really interested to see how many ‘good’ and ‘bad’ ones you get per tub.

“I was expecting to get more of the bad as it always seems that’s what’s left.”

In the online footage, he can be seen emptying all the contents from the tub and then going through them.

He said: “My guess is it’s going to be Milky Way or Mars being the most popular, let’s the count them up.”

Charlie added: “I’m a little bit disappointed here because I hate Snickers. Milky Way is looking quite full, Bounty – absolutely disgusting.

“Not many Caramel and obviously the best one, the goated, the Malteser – that’s about half full.

“So this is what we’re looking like – I’m gonna count them up now and give you the exact figures.”

From the eight tubs that he bought, Charlie revealed that Galaxy and Caramel were the least common, with 46 of each, making an average of six per tub.

The most common chocolate though were Snickers, with Charlie finding at total of 89 in the eight tubs, almost twice the amount of Galaxy chocolates.

Milky Way came in as the second most frequent with 88 in total, making an average of 11 chocolates per tub.

Mars was in third place with 87 chocolates in the eight tubs, making an average of 10.875.

In fourth place was Bounty and Maltesers in fifth.

Charlie said: “The whole total was 522 pieces of chocolate, which gives the box an average of 65 sweets per tub.

“Which is your favourite? Definitely not Bounty, I’m gonna give that to someone I don’t like for Christmas.”

Many commentators went online to start a debate over which chocolate was the best while others were impressed with his research.

One wrote: “This is the best science experiment.”

While a second said: “Quality content.”

And a third added: “Content king.”

While another chipped in with: “I would take all bounty and snickers in a heartbeat.”

Someone else thought Maltesers were the best adding there wasn’t even a debate about it.

And another posted: “My fav has to be Milky Way, Twix and Malteser.”

The huge response made Charlie then do exactly the same for another popular chocolate tub, Heroes.

In the new footage, he said: “So we’re really doing this then” before getting eight tubs of the new variety and set about counting.

He said: “We’re back and this time we’re counting Heroes. We’re seeing what the average you get per tub is and seeing which is the most common.”

Revealing the results, he added: “Starting off with Twirls which was the least common, we’ve got eight large Twirls and 19 little Twirls – totalling 27 with an average of 3.375 per tub.

“49 Creme Eggs in total, averaging 6.125 per tub, we’ve got 50 Fudges and I love Fudges, which works out to an average of 6.25 per tub.

“Interestingly, we had 50 Wispas as well, which again 6.25 per tub. I don’t like Crunchies and we got 52 of those – average of 6.5 per tub.

“Dairy Milk, the best one on the market, barring Malteser out of the Celebrations, we’ve got 56 of these, averaging seven per tub.

Dinky Deckers, I didn’t even know these were in these, but they are obviously – we got 61 of them, averaging 7.625 per tub.

“Last but not least we’ve got filling and denture pullers, Eclairs – a whopping 62 Eclairs, averaging 7.75 per tub.”

Rounding things up, he said: “64 sweets in total, which is less than how many were in the Celebrations tub.”

One commentator said: “This is the investigative journalism we need. Good job.”

While a second added: “It’s  so strange because this is something nobody thinks about, but it’s also so interesting.”

A third joked: “Charlie and the chocolate counter.”

Charlie then carried out the same experiment with tubs of HeroesNNP   
